HP Prime Virtual Calculator Emulator for MacOS Beta

Description:Beta version of the emulator (technically a simulator, since it is a native PC program) of the HP Prime Graphing Calculator for MacOS. Updated CAS to latest 1.5 release. Primary focus of this BETA release is upgrading the underlying build tools. As such, there are few end user noticeable changes included. The goal here is to ensure that everything is "working just as before" to make sure that no problems have been introduced as a result of said tool change.
Current version:2.1.14341 (2019 11 20)
Author: Hewlett-Packard: http://www.hp.com/calculators/
Downloaded file size:38,936,082 bytes
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Beta
File date:2019-11-20 21:31:29
Creation date:2019-11-20
Source code:Not included
Download count:1,614
Version history:2019-11-20: Updated to version 2.1.14341 (2019 11 20)
2019-10-23: Updated to version 2.1.14290 (2019 10 23)
2018-09-17: Updated to version 14091 (2018-09-17)
2017-12-11: Updated to version 13217 (2017-12-11)
2017-11-15: Updated to version 13012 (2017-11-15)
2017-11-07: Added to site
User comments:flavio silvestrin
2019-11-08 11:40:45
When I try to install in my iMac with OS X El Capitain Ver 10.11.6
it appears that the operating system is too old.
This did not happen until the previous firmware.
Please fix this update.
I don't want to have to update the operating system to run the hpprime software, putting other programs installed on my computer at risk
Thanks and regards.

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