HP41/HP48 Transitions Programs |
Description: | A collection of all the programs from the disk included with the book HP41/HP48 Transitions. |
Filename: | 41to48.zip |
ID: | 8731 |
Author: | William C Wickes |
Downloaded file size: | 19,586 bytes |
Size on calculator: | 1-14 KB |
Platforms: | 48 |
User rating: | Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote) |
Primary category: | Programming/Misc |
Languages: | ENG |
File date: | 2017-11-20 14:37:19 |
Source code: | Included |
Download count: | 384 |
Version history: | 2017-11-20: Added to site
Archive contents: | Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
54 1992-09-09 07:42 APPEND
43 1992-09-09 07:42 ARCL
83 1992-09-09 07:42 AROT
63 1992-09-09 07:42 ASHF
425 1992-09-09 07:42 ASN41
56 1992-09-09 07:42 ASTO
77 1992-09-09 07:42 ATOX
0 2016-04-28 20:39 BINARY/
13838 2016-04-28 20:38 BINARY/W41T.DIR
194 1992-09-09 07:42 CHP2
664 1992-09-09 07:42 CHP4
1399 1992-09-09 07:42 CHP5
3982 1992-09-09 07:42 CHP6
117 1992-09-09 07:42 CI
110 1992-09-09 07:42 CINT
46 1992-09-09 07:42 CLA
61 1992-09-09 07:42 CLRG
140 1992-09-09 07:42 CLRGX
166 1992-09-09 07:42 COUNT4
64 1992-09-09 07:42 DFACT
164 1992-09-09 07:42 EI
72 1992-09-09 07:42 ENTERX
96 1992-09-09 07:42 GCD
7130 1992-09-09 07:42 HP41
156 1992-09-09 07:42 INVPOW
85 1992-09-09 07:42 KEEPN
114 1992-09-09 07:42 LBL00
48 1992-09-09 07:42 LBL01
73 1992-09-09 07:42 LBL02
85 1992-09-09 07:42 LBL04
692 1992-09-09 07:42 PSE
96 1992-09-09 07:42 QUADR
67 1992-09-09 07:42 RCXR
70 1992-09-09 07:42 RECIP
218 1992-09-09 07:42 REGMOVE
352 1992-09-09 07:42 REGSWAP
189 1992-09-09 07:42 RRCL
41 1992-09-09 07:42 RRCLIND
270 1992-09-09 07:42 RSTO
41 1992-09-09 07:42 RSTOIND
109 1992-09-09 07:42 SI
186 1992-09-09 07:42 SI48
51 1992-09-09 07:42 SICOS
320 1992-09-09 07:42 SIZE41
70 1992-09-09 07:42 SLABEL
64 1992-09-09 07:42 STODIVID
64 1992-09-09 07:42 STOMINUS
64 1992-09-09 07:42 STOPLUS
64 1992-09-09 07:42 STOTIMES
108 1992-09-09 07:42 SUM4
63 1992-09-09 07:42 SUMSQ
77 1992-09-09 07:42 VSUM
59 1992-09-09 07:42 XTOA
--------- -------
32940 53 files |
User comments: | No comments at this time. |
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