Pole Embedment LT

Description:Demo version of a program to perform calculations to determine the required embedment depth for free standing poles embedded in earth or concrete which are subjected to lateral and axial loading conditions. Both laterally constrained and unconstrained conditions can be analyzed, as well as isolated and non-isolated poles. The User inputs the physical characteristics of the pole, soil properties and lateral and axial loads and the program calculates required pole embedment depth. The program will analyze both round and rectangular shaped poles, multiple concentrated and full or partially distributed uniform lateral loads located at User specified points above the pole base. The User can also specify if the lateral loads are due to seismic or wind. Up to two additional axial loads can also be specified. In this demo version, only one lateral load can be specified, and allowable lateral soil bearing pressure is set to 100 psf/ft.
Author:Al Robertson
Downloaded file size:3,096,692 bytes
Size on calculator:14 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Science
File date:2018-03-18 11:17:34
Creation date:2018-03-18
Source code:Not included
Download count:649
Version history:2018-03-18: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
    30729  2018-03-16 03:32   Data Input Screen.png
    43721  2018-03-16 03:09   Menu Screen.png
    13078  2018-03-18 05:58   Pole Embed LT.hpprgm
  3118061  2018-03-18 08:34   Pole Embedment User Manual.pdf
    19506  2018-03-16 04:20   Results Screen 1.png
    16618  2018-03-16 04:20   Results Screen 2.png
    21151  2018-03-16 04:21   Results Screen 3.png
    30846  2018-03-17 06:21   Results Screen 4.png
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  3293710                     8 files
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