EEC Solver

Description:Electrical and electronic circuit solver that solves AC or DC circuits with linear and non-linear elements. The program implements a full graphic interface to edit circuits, with useful functionality such as copy/paste, undo/redo, moving and rotation of parts, etc. It can solve both AC and DC circuits with both linear and non-linear elements. The non-linear elements supported include: BJTs, MOSFETS, diodes, LEDs, and zeners. The results of the solution are displayed in the circuit editor itself.
Author:Jesus Calvino-Fraga:
Downloaded file size:1,201,587 bytes
Size on calculator:336 KB
User rating:10/10 with 2 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Science
File date:2018-10-14 17:14:20
Creation date:2018-10-01
Source code:Included
Download count:8,682
Version history:2018-10-14: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
        0  2018-10-14 17:13   EEC_Solver.hpappdir/
      124  2018-09-30 17:59   EEC_Solver.hpappdir/EEC_Solver.hpapp
       12  2018-09-30 17:59   EEC_Solver.hpappdir/EEC_Solver.hpappnote
   341750  2018-09-30 17:59   EEC_Solver.hpappdir/EEC_Solver.hpappprgm
     1394  2018-09-30 17:59   EEC_Solver.hpappdir/icon.png
  1209213  2018-10-02 16:55   EEC_Solver.pdf
        0  2018-10-14 17:13   source/
   419328  2018-10-01 06:12   source/EEC_Solver.doc
   175664  2018-10-10 16:51   source/EEC_Solver.hptxt
     1394  2018-10-01 03:28   source/icon.png
---------                     -------
  2148879                     10 files
User comments:Marc Luna
2022-01-26 18:44:38
How can I input an AC Voltage function into the AC Voltage Source?

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.