Défi de Force - Triconcours 2018

Description:Using a control panel of 30 potentiometers from 0 to 1 that control up to 252 lamps, light up the maximum number of light bulbs with minimal energy while wasting as little as possible. Created for a French competition through TI-Planet.
Description (2):Ton tableau de commande est muni de 30 potentiomètres poussables de 0 à 1, contrôlant pour chacun partie des 252 lampes d'un projecteur. Tente d'allumer un maximum de lampes tout en consommant et gaspillant le moins possible.
Author:Xavier Andréani
Downloaded file size:16,499 bytes
Size on calculator:23 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Games
File date:2018-10-14 18:01:16
Creation date:2018-09-18
Source code:Not included
Download count:537
Version history:2018-10-14: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
        0  2018-10-14 17:59   Force.hpappdir/
      200  2018-09-19 22:54   Force.hpappdir/Force.hpapp
      796  2018-09-19 22:54   Force.hpappdir/Force.hpappnote
     6704  2018-09-19 22:54   Force.hpappdir/Force.hpappprgm
     1073  2018-09-19 22:53   Force.hpappdir/icon.png
     2568  2018-10-14 18:00   force.html
    12104  2018-10-14 17:57   TiP6.png
---------                     -------
    23445                     7 files
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