Numeric List Commands

Description:Implementations of some commands from the Wolfram Language, including a command to generate a list of integers based on the linear recurrence of the integer sequence, and two commands to perform convolution of lists, one of which takes a list and a kernel, and the other which takes two lists, plus a command for deconvolution, plus commands for the convolution inverse and convolution square root. Requires ListExt for the first two programs; only the last two run on the 48 as well.
Author:John Keith
Downloaded file size:4,061 bytes
Size on calculator:1 KB
Platforms:49/50 48  
User rating:10/10 with 1 vote (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math/Numeric
File date:2019-08-05 22:26:19
Creation date:2019-08-04
Source code:Included
Download count:431
Version history:2019-08-29: Updated (no version number specified)
2019-05-27: Updated (no version number specified)
2019-02-27: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
    11067  2019-08-05 22:25   NumericLists.html
      433  2019-08-05 22:23   NUMLISTS48.DIR
      732  2019-08-05 22:17   NUMLISTS49.DIR
---------                     -------
    12232                     3 files
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