STAT Linear Regression

Description:Linear Regression program for P-Var (with or without the constant) of dimension N (if P = then it returns the exact solution) with clear results and indication from which directory-path the variables came from and how each intermediate result and each variable were obtained, t, s, prob-values, beta lower and upper limits, R2 and R2adj, R2mod and R2modAdj when no constant, variation coefficient, full detailed anova with or without constant, correlation matrix and min-max-interval, 1st order partial correlation, half partial, multi-order correlation with Z1... Zk control variables, restriction model test for k independent variables Xi with k < p, including here also t, s, prob-values, variation coefficient, R2... and anova as for full, non-restricted model model, Spearman's rank rho (with or without ties) + rho crit and prob, including rho lower/upper limits. All stats calculated for any chosen value of alpha (set to 5% by default or if you incidentally erase it), even for Spearman's rho H0-prob and rho crit when N < 11. Also includes Anova 1-way.
Current version:5.0b
Author:Gil Campart
Downloaded file size:38,442 bytes
Size on calculator:93 KB
User rating:10/10 with 1 vote (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math/Statistic
File date:2024-07-18 04:00:10
Creation date:2024-07-07
Source code:Not included
Download count:453
Version history:2024-07-29: Updated to version 5.0b
2022-07-31: Updated to version 3.8e
2020-04-11: Updated to version 3.5
2020-01-22: Updated to version 3.4
2020-01-16: Updated to version 3.2
2019-12-31: Updated to version 2.5
2019-12-29: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
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    10206  2024-07-18 04:00   stat.html
    95181  2024-07-18 04:00   stat.ver5b.hp
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   105387                     2 files
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