HP Xpander Connectivity Kit

Description:Connectivity kit for the unreleased HP Xpander for use on 32-bit Windows. Included for historic purposes only.
Current version:1.1
Author: Hewlett-Packard: http://www.hp.com/calculators/
Downloaded file size:1,945,866 bytes
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:PC/Link
File date:2000-09-15 23:56:50
Creation date:2000-08-16
Source code:Not included
Download count:350
Version history:2020-06-06: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
       42  2000-07-19 09:18   autorun.inf
   438794  2000-08-16 13:04   data1.cab
    11435  2000-08-16 13:04   data1.hdr
   360226  2000-08-16 13:04   data2.cab
      766  2000-07-19 09:14   hplogo.ico
   335626  2000-05-14 14:17   ikernel.ex_
      454  2000-08-16 13:04   layout.bin
   226816  2000-08-16 06:36   run.exe
    88650  2000-08-16 06:31   setup.bmp
    41472  2000-05-14 14:23   Setup.exe
      116  2000-08-16 13:04   Setup.ini
   137504  2000-07-19 11:58   setup.inx
    58396  2000-08-16 06:31   Setup16.bmp
  2023424  2000-01-24 00:01   vcl50.bpl
---------                     -------
  3723721                     14 files
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Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2024 Eric Rechlin.