PCON --- CODATA 2018 Physical Constants

Description:PCON provides all the physical constants (about 350) from the CODATA 2018 revision of suggested values. The constants are returned with tag identifiers and as unit objects depending on flag 61. Utility programs are provided: to retrieve a single constant object; to retrieve a constant's numerical value; to retrieve a constant's uncertainty; and to rebuild the library. PCON is distributed as a library with the User RPL source and comprehensive PDF documentation.
Current version:1.0
Author:Doug Burkett
Downloaded file size:827,592 bytes
Size on calculator:30 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Science/Misc
File date:2023-03-07 16:34:06
Creation date:2023-03-07
Source code:Included
Download count:124
Version history:2023-05-07: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
    30704  2023-02-25 11:11   CODATA.hp
   804193  2023-03-07 16:33   PCON.pdf
      518  2023-03-07 16:40   readme.txt
      325  2022-12-31 10:18   Source Code/cmenu.s
    16988  2023-02-27 15:37   Source Code/CONS.s
      153  2023-02-24 16:25   Source Code/conunc.s
      146  2023-01-05 13:49   Source Code/getcon.s
      456  2023-02-26 17:20   Source Code/makelib.s
      307  2023-01-10 19:21   Source Code/menuA.s
       79  2023-01-10 13:08   Source Code/menuAA.s
      243  2023-01-10 13:19   Source Code/menuAD.s
      356  2023-01-09 11:16   Source Code/menuAE.s
      131  2023-01-09 13:49   Source Code/menuAG.s
      273  2023-01-10 13:41   Source Code/menuAH.s
      310  2023-01-10 18:01   Source Code/menuAM.s
      345  2023-01-10 17:57   Source Code/menuAN.s
      359  2023-02-20 20:06   Source Code/menuAP.s
      105  2023-01-10 19:09   Source Code/menuAT.s
      117  2023-01-10 19:16   Source Code/menuATr.s
      151  2023-01-10 20:25   Source Code/menuAU.s
      137  2023-02-14 15:36   Source Code/menuC.s
      353  2023-01-12 15:46   Source Code/menuE.s
      717  2023-01-11 07:30   Source Code/menuEN.s
      115  2023-01-15 10:42   Source Code/menuN.s
      420  2023-02-14 13:56   Source Code/menuP.s
      127  2023-01-06 22:28   Source Code/menuU.s
       91  2023-01-10 20:06   Source Code/menuX.s
      366  2023-02-27 14:04   Source Code/PCON.s
---------                     -------
   858585                     28 files
Library contents:CODATA.hp: Library 1005, CODATA
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