Palindrome Sum

Description:Given any positive integer, this program returns three integers (all palindromes) that add up to the given number. The program is a direct translation of the algorithms described in the paper "Every positive integer is a sum of three palindromes" by Javier Cilleruelo, Florian Luca and Lewis Baxter. Requires ListExt.
Author:Sudhir Shenoy:
Downloaded file size:19,736 bytes
Size on calculator:31 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math/Misc
File date:2023-03-15 04:53:34
Creation date:2023-03-15
Source code:Included
Download count:79
Version history:2023-05-07: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
    31295  2023-03-15 04:23   PALIN.dir
     1356  2023-03-15 04:41   Readme.txt
        0  2023-03-15 04:33   src/
      157  2023-03-15 00:48   src/CMPLST.txt
     5533  2023-03-15 00:48   src/NTYPE.txt
    12567  2023-03-15 00:48   src/ALGO4.txt
     3009  2023-03-15 00:48   src/SML4.txt
     3434  2023-03-15 00:48   src/SML5.txt
     2652  2023-03-15 00:48   src/ALGO5.txt
    14332  2023-03-15 00:48   src/SML6.txt
     4892  2023-03-15 00:48   src/ALGO2.txt
      689  2023-03-15 00:48   src/SML2.txt
     1125  2023-03-15 00:48   src/SML3.txt
     3520  2023-03-15 00:48   src/ALGO3.txt
     2573  2023-03-15 00:48   src/ALGO1.txt
      154  2023-03-15 00:48   src/ZEROLST.txt
     1339  2023-03-15 00:48   src/PALIN.txt
---------                     -------
    88627                     17 files
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