ERF, ERF inverse, Q, Q inverse

Description:Provides seven functions that use extended precision floats, for the ERF function, Q function, and their inverse implemented using numerical approximation methods. Written in System RPL.
Author: LdBeth
Downloaded file size:66,098 bytes
Size on calculator:2 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math/Misc
File date:2024-01-02 12:04:39
Creation date:2024-01-02
Source code:Included
Download count:18
Version history:2024-06-06: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
     9271  2024-01-01 01:53   erflib/EF.LR
     1272  2024-01-01 01:53   erflib/EFLIB
      788  2024-01-01 01:53   erflib/EFLIB.LR
      134  2023-06-08 15:20   erflib/EFLIB.M
      265  2024-01-01 01:53   erflib/ERF.EXT
      214  2024-01-01 01:53   erflib/ERF.M
     3546  2023-12-31 20:55   erflib/ERF.ML1
      146  2023-06-08 10:26   erflib/ERF.MN
     3676  2023-12-31 20:55   erflib/ERF.S
    35149  2023-06-08 12:14   erflib/LICENSE
      429  2023-12-27 22:52   erflib/Makefile
     1787  2024-01-01 22:40   erflib/
   226816  2023-06-08 10:09   erflib/SUPROM49.o
---------                     -------
   283493                     13 files
Library contents:erflib/EFLIB: Library 751, EFLIB :Error Fns
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Copyright 1997-2024 Eric Rechlin.