Shammas Polynomial Curve Fitting

Description:A set of four programs for working with four classes of quasi-polynomials dubbed Shammas Polynomials, used for regression. They are the Shammas Polynomial, in the form Pn(x) = a0 + a1*x^p(1) + a2*x^p(2) + ... + an*x^p(n), the Quantum Shammas Polynomial, in the form of Qn(x) = c0 + c1*x^a(1) + c2*x^a(2) + ... + cn*x^a(n), the Symmetric Shammas Polynomial (which is an even-ordered polyterm), in the general form Pn(x) = bn/x^p(n) + ... + b1/x^p(1) + a0 + ... + + a2*x^p(1) + an*x^p(n), and the Symmetric Quantum Shammas Polynomial (which is an even-ordered polyterm), in the general form Pn(x) = cn/x^a(1) + ... + c1/a^a(n/2) + d0 + ... + + d1*x^a(n/2+1) + dn*x^a(n).
Author:Namir Shammas
Downloaded file size:22,049 bytes
Size on calculator:7-34 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math
File date:2024-01-07 09:03:50
Creation date:2024-01-07
Source code:Included
Download count:63
Version history:2024-06-08: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
     6688  2024-01-06 06:57   QUANTPOLY.hpprgm
    14142  2024-01-06 06:57   QuantPoly.html
     6662  2024-01-06 06:56   SHAMPOLY.hpprgm
    14077  2024-01-06 06:56   ShamPoly.html
    10280  2024-01-07 10:03   SYMQUANTSHAMPOLY.hpprgm
    18580  2024-01-07 10:03   SymQuantShamPoly.html
    10128  2024-01-07 10:02   SYMSHAMPOLY.hpprgm
    18280  2024-01-07 10:02   SymShamPoly.html
---------                     -------
    98837                     8 files
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