Based on the paper "Steering Behaviors For Autonomous Characters" by Craig W. Reynolds, this program implements three of the steering behaviors described therein: seek with arrival, wander with collision avoidance, and path following. Use the right arrow key to cycle through the behaviors and the ON key to quit. For the ARM-based calculators only.
The package contains a tiny but powerful animator named ANI (with speed and direction switch, standby etc) and a sample of examples to explain the use of ANI in self-made animations. HTML documentation included.
Simple, but flexible, animation player enables you to produce video-like, slide-show, or menu / screens and animations on the HP 49g+. Includes several sample animations.
Three more steering behaviors animations. Cycle through them with the right arrow key and quit with the ON key. You can freeze the screen with the left arrow key, and press the down down key to go on. For the ARM-based calculators.
Mini animation. Weaves a carpet in 5 seconds for which a team of specialists would need months. Carpet does not affect PICTURE, flags or stack. Includes versions for both 64-line calculators and 80-line calculators.
The factory animation. Originally written for the HP 28S, posted to comp.sys.handhelds for the HP 48 on July 18, 1991, and converted for the HP 49G on June 15, 2001 by A. Vanegas.
A cool graphics demo featuring realtime animated 3D graphics. Source code included. It has a fast line routine, Sin/Cos lookup code, uses 1.7 fixed point math to do the calculations, and double buffering for the animation. It may not run from a port since it is self modifying.
Falling snow animation. If you live where I do (North Dakota, USA), you'll see a lot of this! Includes versions for both 64-line screens (49G/48gII) and 80-line screens (49g+/50g).
Displays squares moving across the screen. The quantity, direction, speed, and frequency of direction change of the squares can be changed in the code, and there are both black on white and white on black versions. For large-screen calculators only (49g+ and 50g).
This package is based on "The Matrix Screensaver" for the 39/40 by Michaël De Coninck. The package is ported to the 50g and heavily modified. From the original description: "This is a screensaver based on the movie 'The Matrix'. Features cool effects like scrolling down the screen, splash screens and many other things." May run on other 49 series models; only tested on the 50g.
Whirl is a very impressive, fast, small, smooth demo, that shows a swirling pattern on the screen of the calculator. This amazing demo is written in assembly language and includes full HP-syntax source code.