Uwe Ziegenhagen

First Name:Uwe
Last Name:Ziegenhagen
Last Change:1999-09-26
Number of Files:2 (793rd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:16,210 (715th most downloaded)

IR to RS-232 Adapter   (details) 48 ENG   58 KB
Schematics (in PostScript and ASCII) for an IR to RS-232 adapter.
By Tony Duell and Uwe Ziegenhagen and others. 1997-08-21

Removing the Screen Cover   (details) 49/50 ENG   3 KB
Explains how to remove the 49G's screen cover to improve visibility without damaging the calculator in three different ways. Could be dangerous (see Dead 49G).
By Barry S. Sutter, Joseph K. Horn, and Uwe Ziegenhagen. 1999-09-26

Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.