Oscar A. Ross Gurrola

First Name:Oscar A.
Last Name:Ross Gurrola
Web Address:https://web.archive.org/web/20160319233033/http://oscar_ross.tripod.com/HP/
Last Change:2000-08-02
Number of Files:3 (561st most prolific)
Number of Downloads:18,968 (614th most downloaded)

GWnds   (details) 49/50 ENG ESP   6 KB / 4 KB
Adds some commands that recall the 49's graph windows and optionally binds them to user keys. Evidently this person did not realize you could hold down the shift key to access the graph windows in RPN mode.
By Oscar A. Ross Gurrola. 2000-08-02

Respaldo and AutoBackup 2.01   (details) 49/50 ENG ESP   4 KB / 1 KB
Stores a time-stamped backup of memory in port 2.
By Oscar A. Ross Gurrola. 2000-03-18

Sets   (details) 49/50 ENG ESP   4 KB / 3 KB
Adds commands for basic set operations such as union and intersection.
By Oscar A. Ross Gurrola. 2000-03-12

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.