Ted J. Kerber

First Name:Ted J.
Last Name:Kerber
Last Change:2021-12-31
Number of Files:7 (237th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:35,696 (319th most downloaded)
Biography:Ted was the author of many surveying-related books for various HP calculators, including the 41 series, the 42S, the 48/49/50 series, the 33s, and the 35s. He was also active in the user community, attending various HHC conferences. September 6, 1934 - August 24, 2010.

HP 48 Fonts   (details) 48 ENG   184 KB
A collection of TrueType fonts for HP 48 Developers. Most fonts in this package were created using Fontographer by Altsys.
By Ted J. Kerber. 1999-08-27

HP 49G Fonts   (details) 49/50 ENG   468 KB
TrueType fonts showing the keys of the HP 49G, the 6-, 7-, and 8-point fonts, the minifont, and more. Also includes a document explaining how to use the fonts.
By Ted J. Kerber. 1999-08-25

HP 50g Keys Font   (details) 49/50 ENG   356 KB
TrueType font showing the keys of the 50g, based on HP 49G Fonts.
By Ted J. Kerber and JRZ. 2021-12-31

HP48/49 Fonts for Macintosh   (details) 48 ENG   348 KB
These are the HP 48 and HP 49G Windows true-type fonts produced by Ted J. Kerber and Spiros in the form of a Macintosh font suitcase. (Stuffit compressed and bin-hexed).
By Ted J. Kerber and Bruce Horrocks. 2000-10-24

HP49g+keys 2.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   391 KB
An updated version of the 49g+keys.TTF font which was based on the 49G.TTF font by Ted Kerber. Version 2.0 changes the font from Windows Unicode to Windows Symbol and makes minor glyph edits only.
By Ted J. Kerber and Jacob Wall. 2011-07-24

HP49keys   (details) 49/50 ENG   39 KB
TrueType font showing the keys of the HP 49G.
By Ted J. Kerber. 1999-06-19

HP49keys (G+)   (details) 49/50 ENG   38 KB
TrueType font showing the keys of the HP 49G. Modified slightly by an unknown author to reflect the keys on the 49g+.
By Ted J. Kerber. 2004-02-15

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.