Grapevine Publications

First Name:
Last Name:Grapevine Publications
Last Change:2000-09-01
Number of Files:8 (204th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:63,473 (163rd most downloaded)

hpc Vol. 4 Num. 1   (details) 48 38 ENG   267 KB
Newsletter for educators about HP calculators from April, 1998. This issue covers the HP 48G+, HP 38G ApLets, and some general HP calculator information.
By Grapevine Publications. 1998-10-10

hpc Vol. 4 Num. 2   (details) 48 38 ENG   220 KB
Newsletter for educators about HP calculators from September, 1998. This issue covers calculators on the AP Calculus exam, HP 38G ApLets, and some general HP calculator information.
By Grapevine Publications. 1998-10-10

hpc Vol. 5 Num. 1   (details) 48 38 ENG   193 KB
Newsletter for educators about HP calculators from January, 1999. This issue covers defining functions, Taylor polynomial approximation, exponential decay, and general HP calculator information.
By Grapevine Publications. 1999-06-30

hpc Vol. 5 Num. 2   (details) 48 38 ENG   536 KB
Newsletter for educators about HP calculators from April, 1999. This issue covers animated Taylor polynomials, visualizing the pivot from derivative to integral, polar plots, and general HP calculator information.
By Grapevine Publications. 1999-06-30

hpc Vol. 5 Num. 3   (details) 49/50 48 38 ENG   543 KB
Newsletter for educators about HP calculators from September, 1999. This issue covers the 49G, Taylor polynomials, polar plots, and general HP calculator information.
By Grapevine Publications. 1999-10-07

hpc Vol. 6 Num. 1   (details) 49/50 48 38 ENG   846 KB
Newsletter for educators about HP calculators from January, 2000. This issue covers combinatorials, menus, coordinate geometry, limits, and general HP calculator information.
By Grapevine Publications. 2000-06-20

hpc Vol. 6 Num. 2   (details) 49/50 48 39/40 ENG   872 KB
Newsletter for educators about HP calculators from April, 2000. This issue covers the 39G, the 30S, histograms and probability, maximizing volume, recipes, units and key assignments, confidence intervals, and general HP calculator information.
By Grapevine Publications. 2000-06-20

hpc Vol. 6 Num. 3   (details) 49/50 48 39/40 ENG   670 KB
Newsletter for educators about HP calculators from August, 2000. This issue covers the Xpander, factoring on the 39G, sequences on the 30S, derivatives on the 49G, and general HP calculator information.
By Grapevine Publications. 2000-09-01

Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.