Andrea Colombo

First Name:Andrea
Last Name:Colombo
Last Change:2017-07-10
Number of Files:3 (561st most prolific)
Number of Downloads:840 (2,357th most downloaded)

Calcolo Matriciale Simbolico   (details) 48 ITA   3 KB / 3 KB
Program for calculating with symbolic matrices, including determinant, inversion, characteristic polynomial, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and more. Includes documentation in Word format.
By Andrea Colombo. 2017-07-10

SafePurge   (details) 48 ITA   2 KB / 1 KB
A replacement purge command with three possible inputs -- a number to remove the library with that ID, a global name to delete that directory, or a list to delete the corresponding variables.
By Andrea Colombo. 2017-06-28

STRVIEW   (details) 48 ITA   2 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotHelps you view strings of any length as a graphic, after telling it whether you want to see 22 or 33 characters per line.
By Andrea Colombo. 2017-06-29

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