Rubén de la Rosa Steinz

First Name:Rubén
Last Name:de la Rosa Steinz
Last Change:2008-01-12
Number of Files:6 (282nd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:59,692 (172nd most downloaded)

Ayuda 5.1   (details) 49/50 ESP   57 KB / 61 KB
ScreenshotDescribes all of the commands of the HP 49 in Spanish. Now written in System RPL.
By Rubén de la Rosa Steinz. 2008-01-12

EDIT_SYMBOLIC_MATRIX 3.0Get It   (details) 49/50 ENG ESP   70 KB / 10 KB
ScreenshotViews and edits symbolic matrices in pretty print. In the screen appears the current element, the size of the matrix, the current position and a mini grob that is the matrix (each element is represented by a point and the current position is highlighted). Also allows one to add and delete rows and columns and create symmetric matrices.
By Rubén de la Rosa Steinz. 2001-02-26

Propolin   (details) 49/50 ENG ESP   2 KB / 1 KB
Has two programs, one which converts a polynomial into its associated vector and the other which does the opposite.
By Rubén de la Rosa Steinz. 2000-09-01

Scatter 1.1   (details) 49/50 ENG ESP   5 KB / 3 KB
Automatically draws a scatterplot with the data of SDAT. First draws the points and then you can choose the type of regression for the graphic. Also, you can simply join the points of the graphic.
By Rubén de la Rosa Steinz. 2000-09-11

Sustituir   (details) 49/50 ENG ESP   3 KB / 1 KB
This program is useful to substitute values in an equation, list of symbolics or symbolic matrix. It's fast and easy.
By Rubén de la Rosa Steinz. 2003-02-17

Visor Rapido 1.0   (details) 49/50 ENG ESP   171 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotFast viewer to view all kind of objects all together. Also you can view the objects in different columns and rows.
By Rubén de la Rosa Steinz. 2002-07-14

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.