Jorge Aranda

First Name:Jorge
Last Name:Aranda
Last Change:2002-10-11
Number of Files:3 (561st most prolific)
Number of Downloads:35,885 (317th most downloaded)

Ley de Ohm 1.1   (details) 49/50 ESP   2 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotOhm's law program that calculates two values knowing the other two.
By Jorge Aranda (Naish). 2001-03-10

Parametros de Linea de Transmision (sin perdidas) 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   82 KB / 1 KB
A program that can be used to calculate some basic lossless transmission line parameters. It can be used to compare results given by a Smith chart.
By Jorge Aranda (Naish). 2002-10-11

Pretty Laplace 1.1   (details) 49/50 ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Two useful programs allow you to use LAP and ILAP commands using variables 't' and 's' instead of X. Many features.
By Roberto Perez-Franco (HPlus!) and Jorge Aranda (Naish). 2001-01-13

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