Christoph Gießelink

First Name:Christoph
Last Name:Gießelink
Web Address:
Last Change:2024-12-29
Number of Files:122 (4th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:831,604 (3rd most downloaded)

alifhdr32 1.2   (details) Other ENG   29 KB
This is a modified version of Jean-François Garnier's original "aLIFhdr" tool. It's now a Win32 console application with an additional option /T for converting a text file with <CR><LF> line delimiters into the LIF file type 1 (TEXT) format.
By Jean-Francois Garnier and Christoph Gießelink. 2015-08-15

ASCII to Binary Converter 2.0   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   11 KB / 1 KB
System RPL program to translate ASCII files into binary files so they can be used in Emu48 or a 49g+/50g using only an SD card, and vice versa.
By Eric Rechlin, John H Meyers, and Christoph Gießelink. 2005-05-30

BERTLCD   (details) 48 ENG   7 KB
Bert calculator display design. Can be included into one's own KML scripts for Emu42.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2019-10-16

BZ49 1.2   (details) 49/50 ENG   9 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotThe best compression program for the HP 48, now available for the HP 49.
By Mika Heiskanen, Christoph Gießelink, and Wolfgang Rautenberg. 2000-09-08

BzComp49 1.1   (details) 49/50 ENG ESP   4 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotFront end for BZ49 which makes it easy to create self-extracting objects and auto-extracting strings. Based on Mika Heiskanen's HP 48 program, which was ported to the 49 by Christoph Giesselink and others.
By Mika Heiskanen, Alvaro Antonio Vanegas P (avp98), Christoph Gießelink and others. 2001-03-24

CARDUPL   (details) 48 ENG   41 KB / 1 KB
A HP 48SX/GX card content Uploader/Downloader. This HP 48 programs allows you to upload and download the complete card contents of any slot to and from the PC. You can use upload images as port files for the x48 or the Emu48 emulator.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2023-12-09

Clamshell ROM Checksum   (details) 28 ENG   14 KB
A small tool for checking the checksums in the Clamshell calculator ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2002-12-29

CPROMUPL   (details) 28 ENG   53 KB
A collection of tools for uploading a HP 28C ROM image very quickly compared to other methods. Necessary hardware: HP 28C and a HP 48 with merged RAM card as receiver. Further details inside.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2007-08-04

Creating a Virtual Machine with Virtualbox   (details) Other ENG   3 KB
A short tutorial explaining how to setup a DOS virtual machine for running Emu41, Emu71/DOS and Emu75.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-06-02

DDE48   (details) 49/50 48 39/40 38 28 ENG   18 KB
Command line program to transfer a HP program file into Emu48. This program is especially made for developers which are using a customize editor and want to transfer the output file easily to Emu48 and for developers which want to add the interface into own applications. This update is necessary for recent versions of Emu28, Emu42 and Emu48.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2008-05-11

DHC (Double Height Characters)   (details) 28 ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
This program modifies the 28C display driver settings that the bottom two lines are shown in double height.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2006-08-28

DISARM 0.13   (details) 49/50 ENG   19 KB
This program is a very simple disassembler for the "ARM Instruction Set" code inside an ARM binary file.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2013-09-14

E28INI2REG   (details) 28 ENG   15 KB
Since Emu28 v1.19 of the Win32 version the saving location of the emulator settings changed from the Emu28.ini file to the registry at HKCU\Software\Emu28. So when you update Emu28 from v1.18 and earlier to the latest version you will lose all your settings. The program E28INI2REG.exe copies these settings automatically to the new location.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2009-08-29

E42INI2REG   (details) 28 Other ENG   15 KB
Since Emu42 v1.12 of the Win32 version the saving location of the emulator settings changed from the Emu42.ini file to the registry at HKCU\Software\Emu42. So when you update Emu42 from v1.11 and earlier to the latest version you will lose all your settings. The program E42INI2REG.exe copies these settings automatically to the new location.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2009-11-01

E48INI2REG   (details) 49/50 48 39/40 38 ENG   15 KB
Since Emu48 v1.49 of the Win32 version the saving location of the emulator settings changed from the Emu48.ini file to the registry at HKCU\Software\Emu48. So when you update Emu48 from v1.48 and earlier to the latest version you will lose all your settings. The program E48INI2REG.exe copies these settings automatically to the new location.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2009-08-29

Emu28 1.38   (details) 28 ENG   855 KB
Installation package for Emu28 (Intel platform), including KML scripts, source code, and some tools. Emulates the HP 18C and HP 28C but does not include a ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-08-31

Emu28 Executables 1.38   (details) 28 ENG   162 KB
Executables only for Emu28 v1.38 (IA32 platform). No KML files included.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-08-31

Emu28 HP-28C Skin   (details) 28 ENG   374 KB
HP-28C KML script for 800x600 and 1024x768 display resolution without the ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2022-07-31

Emu28 Source Code 1.38   (details) 28 ENG   305 KB
Source code for Emu28 v1.38 (IA32 platform). For Win32.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-08-31

Emu42 1.31   (details) 28 Other ENG   5,276 KB
Emulator of the HP 10B, 14B, 17B, 17BII, 19BII, 20S, 21S, 22S, 27S, 28S, 32S, 32SII, and 42S. Includes KML scripts and bitmaps (skins) and source code, but no ROM dumps.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-12-15

Emu42 Executables 1.31   (details) 28 Other ENG   182 KB
Executables only for Emu42 v1.31 (IA32 platform). No KML files included.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-12-15

Emu42 for Pocket PC Executables 1.19   (details) 28 Other ENG   56 KB
Executables only for Emu42 v1.19 (ARM platform). For Pocket PC. No KML files included.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2018-09-25

Emu42 for Pocket PC Source Code 1.19   (details) 28 Other ENG   138 KB
Source code for Emu42 v1.19 (ARM platform). For Pocket PC.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2018-09-25

Emu42 for PocketPC 1.19   (details) 28 Other ENG   748 KB
Emulator of the HP 42S, 28S, 27S, 32SII, 17BII, and 17B that runs on Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003 (SE), 5.0, and 6 Professional (ARM platform). Includes KML scripts and bitmaps (skins) and source code, but no ROM dumps.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2018-09-25

Emu42 Source Code 1.31   (details) 28 Other ENG   337 KB
Source code for Emu42 v1.31 (IA32 platform). For Win32.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-12-15

Emu48 1.67Get It   (details) 49/50 48 39/40 38 ENG   691 KB
The latest version of the best HP 48/49/40/39/38 emulator for Windows. Also has an assembly language disassembler and debugger. Includes an installer with all necessary scripts and graphics files, as well as GPL source code, but it requires a calculator ROM dump, downloadable separately.
By Christoph Gießelink and Sebastien Carlier. 2024-12-15

Emu48 20th Anniversary 1.59   (details) 48 ENG   3,679 KB
A complete "20th Anniversary" package of Emu48, including extra skins/KML scripts and all the necessary ROMs.
By Christoph Gießelink and Sebastien Carlier. 2017-08-28

Emu48 39/40 Emulator   (details) 39/40 ENG   1,004 KB
Emu48 1.21 with an HP 39G/40G beta ROM and KML script/bitmap for emulating the HP 39G/40G in Windows.
By Sebastien Carlier and Christoph Gießelink. 2000-10-22

Emu48 DLL Patch for HP49 SDK 1.35   (details) 49/50 ENG   95 KB
Emu48 1.35 DLL patch to be installed on top of the Debug2 SDK Build 136. Fixes bugs and adds more features.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2004-09-07

Emu48 Executables 1.67Get It   (details) 49/50 48 39/40 38 ENG   175 KB
Executables only for Emu48 v1.66 (IA32 platform). No KML files included.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-12-15

Emu48 for MacOS X 1.25 Beta 4   (details) 49/50 48 39/40 38 ENG   476 KB
Mac OS X port of the excellent Windows Emu48 (SP25) by Christoph Giesselink and Sebastien Carlier. For PowerPC systems only. Carbonized from the classic version by Pierre Tardy for Mac OS 8/9.
By Sebastien Carlier, Christoph Gießelink, Da Woon Jung and others. 2017-09-23

Emu48 for MacOS X Source Code 1.47+ Beta   (details) 49/50 48 39/40 38 ENG   433 KB
Source code for the Mac OS X port of the excellent Windows Emu48 (SP47+) by Christoph Giesselink and Sebastien Carlier. Carbonized from the classic version by Pierre Tardy for Mac OS 8/9.
By Sebastien Carlier, Christoph Gießelink, Da Woon Jung and others. 2017-09-23

Emu48 for Pocket PC and Windows Mobile 1.25Get It   (details) 49/50 48 39/40 38 ENG   202 KB
All-new emulator of the 38/39/40/48/49 that runs on Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, 5.0, and 6.0 Professional (ARM Platform). Based on Emu48 1.56 for Windows.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2014-10-18

Emu48 for Pocket PC and Windows Mobile (Installer) 1.25   (details) 49/50 48 39/40 38 ENG   2,176 KB
Full installation package for the all-new emulator of the 38/39/40/48/49 that runs on Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, 5.0, and 6.0 Professional (ARM Platform). Now includes a WVGA bitmap and script for the 48GX and 49G. Based on Emu48 1.56 for Windows.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2014-10-18

Emu48 GCC Version 55   (details) 49/50 48 39/40 38 ENG   10 KB
Update for the Emu48 source code that allows you to compile Emu48 with GCC instead of Microsoft Visual C++.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2013-09-14

Emu48 in Portuguese 1.10   (details) 48 POR   252 KB
An older version of the best HP 48 emulator for Win9x/NT4, translated into Portuguese. Includes all necessary scripts and graphics files as well as GPL source code but requires an HP 48 ROM dump.
By Sebastien Carlier, Christoph Gießelink, and LRAM WaReZ. 1999-04-14

Emu48 Meta Kernel 2.30   (details) 48 ENG   2 KB
Explains how to install the Meta Kernel 2.30 in Emu48.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2000-07-16

Emu48 Source Code 1.67   (details) 48 ENG   346 KB
Source code for Emu48 v1.67 (IA32 platform). For Win32.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-12-15

Emu48 Unofficial Service Pack for Alpha 12   (details) 48 ENG   128 KB
Emu48 1.12 for the Alpha to be installed on top of the regular Emu48. This version is for Windows NT running on a DEC Alpha processor only. Imagine an HP 48 emulated at 600MHz!
By Christoph Gießelink. 1999-07-07

Emu48+ Service Pack 66Get It   (details) 49/50 48 39/40 38 ENG   634 KB
Emu48 1.66+ patch to be installed on top of a regular installation of Emu48. Adds emulation of the ARM-based calculators, including the 39g+, 39gs, 40gs, 48gII, 49g+, and 50g. Based on Emu48 1.67.
By Christoph Gießelink and Cyrille de Brébisson (HpMad). 2024-12-29

EMU48INI   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   4 KB
This file contain the complete description of all Emu48 settings.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-12-29

Emu71 Executables 1.18   (details) Other ENG   175 KB
Executables only for Emu71 v1.18 (IA32 platform). No KML files included.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-12-15

Emu71 MK71MAC 1.0   (details) Other ENG   30 KB
This is a package for converting BASIC programs in text format into keyboard macro files for the HP 71B calculator. This is a very convenient way to enter BASIC programs found on the Internet onto your emulated calculator.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2011-07-24

Emu71 Overlays   (details) Other ENG   8,569 KB
HP-71B KML script collection as a 7-Zip archive with module overlay background images for 800x600 and 1024x768 display resolution. A big thanks to HP-Collection for creating the background images. Requires Emu71 1.08 or later.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2020-09-30

Emu71 Setup 1.18   (details) Other ENG   1,445 KB
Installer package of Emu71 v1.18 (IA32 platform). Includes KML scripts, some tools and source code, but no ROM images. This emulates the HP-71B on Windows.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-12-15

Emu71 SKN71B 1.06   (details) Other ENG   1,167 KB
HP 71B KML script for Emu71 at 800x600 and 1024x768 display resolution (no ROM image included).
By Christoph Gießelink. 2021-05-23

Emu71 Source Code 1.18   (details) Other ENG   320 KB
Source code for Emu71 v1.18 (IA32 platform). For Win32.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-12-15

Emu71 TITANCHK 1.0   (details) Other ENG   20 KB
A small tool for checking the checksums in ROM images. Source code included.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2011-07-24

Emu72 0.91   (details) Other ENG   2,085 KB
Modified version of Emu71 to emulate a theoretical "HP-72S" (an HP-71B with a two-line screen) and a theoretical "HP-74S" (an HP-71B with a four-line, double-width screen) under Windows. Requires an Emu72 ROM Image.
By Christoph Gießelink and Jean-Francois Garnier. 2021-04-10

Emu72 Source Patch 0.91   (details) Other ENG   97 KB
Source code patch for the modified version of Emu71 to emulate a theoretical "HP-72S" (an HP-71B with a two-line screen) and a theoretical "HP-74S" (an HP-71B with a four-line, double-width screen) under Windows.
By Christoph Gießelink and Jean-Francois Garnier. 2021-04-10

ENCODE48 0.06 Beta   (details) 48 ENG DEU   21 KB
The program converts User RPL HP 48 binary files into HP 48 ASCII files with translation code 0. System RPL parts might look different from the HP 48. Using unknown objects, the program might lose synchronization. This is a beta version and should test the decoder engine.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2010-07-31

File Format Toolbox   (details) 48 ENG   66 KB
A small toolbox to convert some ROM file formats into another. Supports "MEM", "ROM", and "EMU" formats.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2018-07-29

Flash ROM Information   (details) 49/50 ENG   3 KB
Gives some information about how the flash ROM works and discusses a (not publicly available) program to erase banks of the flash.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2000-02-27

HP 28C ROM Entry Points April 2013   (details) 28 ENG   17 KB
Lists the ROM entry points of the HP 28C revision 1CC ROM.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2017-08-22

HP 28S ROM Entry Points April 2013   (details) 28 ENG   20 KB
ROM entry point list of the HP 28S revision 2BB ROM. This entry point list is based on Jean-Francois Garnier's list and has many additions, with over 2400 entries.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2017-08-22

HP 38 KML Scripts   (details) 48 ENG   16 KB
Two KML scripts for the HP 38 emulator in Emu48 for 800x600 and 1024x768 resolutions.
By Detlef Müller and Christoph Gießelink. 2013-09-14

HP 49 KML Scripts   (details) 48 ENG   298 KB
Three 256-color KML scripts for the HP 49G emulator in Emu48 in 800x600, 1024x768, and 1152x864 resolution.
By Eric Rechlin and Christoph Gießelink. 2013-09-14

HP 82240B Simulator 1.18   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   164 KB
Simulates the HP 82240B infrared printer. Works directly with Emu28, Emu42 and Emu48 over UDP. Also works with a 48 Series or a 49G calculator in wired mode over RS-232C or with a 48gII (USB version), a 49g+ or a 50g also in wired mode over the HP USB calculator driver. Runs on Windows 2000 or later.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-12-29

HP48WVGA   (details) 48 ENG   102 KB
HP 48GX KML script for Pocket PC 480x800 display resolution from Paul Stabnow. You need Emu48 for Pocket PC V1.06 or later and a Windows Mobile device with a WVGA display.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2013-09-14

HP49VGA   (details) 49/50 ENG   86 KB
HP49G KML script for Pocket PC 480x640 display resolution from "Beemer". You need Emu48 for Pocket PC V1.06 or later and a Windows Mobile device with a VGA display.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2013-09-14

HP49WVGA   (details) 49/50 ENG   172 KB
HP 49G KML script for Pocket PC 480x800 display resolution from "Beemer". You need Emu48 for Pocket PC V1.06 or later and a Windows Mobile device with a WVGA display.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2013-09-14

HpIrDA   (details) 48 39/40 38 ENG   2 KB
Document about the basics of the HP calculator and PC IrDA infrared port communication.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2001-10-27

ILBlinky 1.01   (details) Other ENG   68 KB
Generic Virtual HP-IL printer simulation forwarding the printer data over UDP to the HP 82240B Simulator.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-06-02

ILCtrl 1.19   (details) Other ENG   69 KB
ILCtrl, a ported and expanded version of Jean-François Garnier's original ILCtrl program, is a simple HP-IL controller demonstrator for Win32.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-06-02

ILDoslink 1.06   (details) Other ENG   56 KB
A Virtual HP-IL interface simulation for Win32 allowing import and export data to the PC file system.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-06-02

ILPer 2.42   (details) Other ENG   222 KB
The HP-IL Peripheral simulator for Win32 is simulating a HP-IL generic printer, two mass storage devices and a DosLink interface.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-06-02

ILPilbox 1.66   (details) Other ENG   56 KB
A PIL-Box to Virtual HP-IL bridge software for Win32.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-06-02

ILPilsim 1.02   (details) Other ENG   71 KB
A PIL-Box simulation for Win32 to connect the DOS based emulators Emu41, Emu71/DOS and Emu75 with Virtual HP-IL. A tutorial explaining how to build a suitable VM with DOS is available separately, Creating a Virtual Machine with Virtualbox.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-06-02

ILProgsIPv4   (details) Other ENG   135 KB
A collection of all of the author's IL-exe files compiled with MSVC6 using the IPv4 stack only. These versions have fewer requirements about runtime files, so the programs will normally run without installing an additional runtime on most recent Windows OS versions.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-06-02

ILScope 1.56   (details) Other ENG   58 KB
A Virtual HP-IL frame code debugger as virtual loop through device for Win32.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-06-02

ILVideo 1.41   (details) Other ENG   73 KB
The Virtual HP-IL simulation of the HP-82163A Video Interface with Monitor for Win32.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-06-02

ILVideo Color Scheme   (details) Other ENG   1 KB
New Green and Amber Monitor color scheme registry patch for the Virtual HP-IL simulation program ILVideo.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-06-02

ILVideo80 1.31   (details) Other ENG   82 KB
The Virtual HP-IL simulation of the HP-92198 80-column Video Interface with Monitor for Windows 2000 and later.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-06-02

IMG38 1.06   (details) 48 ENG   16 KB
RAM image upload program for the 38G. This program creates a Emu48 state file from a RAM upload of a 38G and was originally part of Colin Croft's emulator package, but has been improved with bugfixes and to support all possible classic COM ports and other serial device names.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2023-12-09

IMG39 1.07   (details) 48 ENG   16 KB
RAM image upload program for the 39G/40G. This program creates a Emu48 state file from a RAM upload of a 39G or 40G and was originally part of Colin Croft's emulator package, but has been improved with bugfixes and to support all possible classic COM ports and other serial device names.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2023-12-09

KML 2.0 Docs Release 23   (details) 49/50 48 39/40 38 28 ENG   15 KB
Documentation in Word format that explains the full syntax needed to be known to make KML scripts for making custom skins for the Emu28, Emu42, Emu48, and Emu71 emulators.
By Casey Patterson and Christoph Gießelink. 2024-12-29

KML Contrast Service Pack 8   (details) 48 ENG   5 KB
Updated KML scripts for Emu48 1.10 or higher which improve the contrast feature. Intended to patch existing scripts, so the images are not included and must be downloaded separately.
By Christoph Gießelink and others. 2000-03-04

KML48 PPC   (details) 49/50 48 39/40 38 ENG   21 KB
KML scripts for use with Emu48 for Pocket PC. Bitmaps not included; they can be downloaded separately.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2004-09-07

LEWISCRC 1.10   (details) 49/50 ENG   21 KB
Windows command line program for checking the ROM checksums/CRCs of the Pioneer and 2nd generation Clamshell series calculator images running on the 1LU7 Bert and Lewis chips.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2019-10-16

LEWISLCD   (details) Other ENG   7 KB
Lewis annunciator designs for Zoom 2. Can be included into one's own KML scripts for Emu42.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2019-10-16

LIFLS 0.07   (details) Other ENG   86 KB
Small command line tool for Windows showing the directory content of LIF image files.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2017-02-11

Lifls 0.08   (details) Other ENG   86 KB
A small command line tool showing the directory content of LIF image files.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-06-02

MAC2TXT   (details) Other ENG   21 KB
An emulator keyboard macro file converter for converting macro into text files and vice versa. This allows to edit the keyboard macro files with a simple text editor. Primarily for use with Emu42.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2019-04-22

MCAL/MKAL   (details) 49/50 ENG DEU   3 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotSmall calendar.
By Christoph Gießelink. 1999-10-27

MKE42   (details) 28 Other ENG   23 KB
Command line tool to create Emu42 state files allowing a very flexible memory layout for testing purpose.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2021-09-25

MKE48   (details) 48 ENG   18 KB
Generates statefiles for Emu48, allowing the possibility of emulating a 32KB 48G.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2000-12-20

MKNIBHEX   (details) 49/50 ENG   15 KB
Windows command line program that creates a NIBHEX string from an ARM binary file which can be included into a normal RPLCOMP file.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2019-06-17

MKSHARED Emu48 RAM card creator 1.6   (details) 48 ENG   21 KB
This is a GUI replacement for the old command line tool and allows you to create RAM cards for the HP 48 emulation on Emu48. Includes source code.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2022-07-31

ModEdit 1.03   (details) Other ENG   137 KB
Installer package of ModEdit for Windows (IA32 platform). ModEdit is a MOD File Editor to create and modify MOD1 and MOD2 module files used in different HP calculator emulators like V41.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2024-12-15

ROM Dump Guide   (details) 28 ENG   5 KB
A document explaining how to upload the necessary ROM image for Emu28.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2002-12-29

ROMDump Wizard 1.1Get It   (details) 48 ENG   40 KB
Very easy to use and very fast ROM dumping program. Dumps an SX ROM in 6 minutes and a GX ROM in 12 minutes. For Win95/98/NT.
By Christoph Gießelink and Jean-Yves Avenard. 1999-07-02

ROMUPL39 1.3   (details) 39/40 ENG   77 KB / 2 KB
A ROM Upload Aplet to upload the ROM content of a 39G/40G calculator to a PC. The Saturn assembler source code and a command line program to convert the output file into the Emu48 emulator format is included.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2023-12-09

SACALCD   (details) Other ENG   17 KB
Sacajawea calculator display designs, with two versions (one for the single shift key models, the 14B, the 22S, and 32S, and one for the double shift key model, the 32SII) in each of three sizes. Can be included into one's own KML scripts for Emu42.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2021-09-25

SKN10B   (details) Other ENG   262 KB
HP 10B KML script for 800x600 display resolution without the ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2020-04-12

SKN14B   (details) Other ENG   362 KB
HP 14B KML script for 1024x768 display resolution without the ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2020-04-12

SKN17B   (details) Other ENG   348 KB
HP 17B KML script for 800x600 and 1024x768 display resolution without the ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2020-04-12

SKN17B2   (details) Other ENG   172 KB
HP 17BII KML script for 800x600 and 1024x768 display resolution without the ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2020-04-12

SKN17B2M   (details) Other ENG   87 KB
HP 17BII KML script for Pocket PC 240x320 display resolution without the ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2013-09-14

SKN17BM   (details) Other ENG   86 KB
HP 17B KML script for Pocket PC 240x320 display resolution without the ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2013-09-14

SKN19B2   (details) Other ENG   275 KB
HP 19BII KML script for 800x600 and 1024x768 display resolution without the ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2020-04-12

SKN20S   (details) Other ENG   249 KB
HP 20S KML script for 800x600 display resolution without the ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2020-04-12

SKN21S   (details) Other ENG   239 KB
HP 21S KML script for 800x600 display resolution without the ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2020-04-12

SKN22S   (details) Other ENG   386 KB
Two HP 22S KML scripts for 1024x768 display resolution without the ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2021-09-25

SKN27S   (details) Other ENG   423 KB
HP 27S KML script for 800x600 and 1024x768 display resolution without the ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2021-11-24

SKN27SM   (details) Other ENG   112 KB
HP 27S KML script for Pocket PC 240x320 display resolution without the ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2013-09-14

SKN28S   (details) 48 28 ENG   377 KB
HP 28S KML script for 800x600 and 1024x768 display resolution without the ROM image. You need Emu42 V1.16 or later to run this KML script.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2022-07-31

SKN28SM   (details) 48 ENG   205 KB
HP 28S KML script for Pocket PC 240x320 display resolution without the ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2013-09-14

SKN32S   (details) Other ENG   899 KB
Four HP 32S KML scripts for 1024x768 display resolution without the ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2022-07-31

SKN32S2   (details) Other ENG   842 KB
Two HP 32SII KML scripts for 1024x768 display resolution without the ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2021-09-25

SKN42S   (details) Other ENG   385 KB
HP 42S KML script for 1024x768 display resolution without the ROM image.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2020-04-12

STRUCTHP   (details) 48 28 DEU   27 KB
DOS program to reformat UserRPL programs from the 28/48. Input formats are HP 48 ASCII files, captured IR data (28/48), Program Development Link Application files and some more.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2019-06-17

Terminkalender 1.50   (details) 48 DEU   25 KB / 6 KB
ScreenshotThis is a PIM completely written in German with calendar and appointment manager.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2000-12-05

TRANS48   (details) 48 DEU   18 KB
DOS program designed to convert HP 48 file formats into another and to handle with Program Development Link Application files from the command line.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2019-06-17

UNRPL 0.04   (details) 48 ENG   21 KB
Standalone RPL decompiler for decoding RPL threads in the history of Voyager from Derek S. Nickel and SAD from Jan Brittenson in the early 90s. But Unrpl use a different approach, as it isn't an expert system like the other programs for decompiling a complete ROM image; it is only a very simple decompiler running for all RPL platforms. This is the big advantage of it, as it can decompile RPL objects from one of the first generation RPL platforms like that used by the 28C to the latest RPL generation introduced with the 49G.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2010-07-31

UPD49ROM 3.1   (details) 49/50 ENG   108 KB
Windows command line program to update an HP 49 emulator ROM file with a .flash ROM update file. Compatible with larger version 1.19 and higher ROMs as well. Includes GPL source code.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2017-09-09

Using HP 48 Backups With Emu48   (details) 48 ENG   2 KB
Explains how to copy the data of a real HP 48 to Emu48 using the backup feature.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2002-01-22

V41 9.0m   (details) Other ENG   1,063 KB
Freeware emulator of the HP-41 for Windows. Distributed under the GPL.
By Warren Furlow and Christoph Gießelink. 2024-12-15

V41 Source Code 9.0m   (details) Other ENG   2,683 KB
Source code for the freeware emulator of the HP-41 for Windows. Distributed under the GPL.
By Warren Furlow and Christoph Gießelink. 2024-12-15

V41Tools   (details) Other ENG   102 KB
The programs MODFile, MODFileWin and MODGen from the MODFile directory as executables (optional), for use with V41.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2023-12-09

Voyager 42S   (details) Other ENG   74 KB
HP 42S Voyager style KML script for 800x600 display resolution without the ROM image. You need Emu42 V1.12 or later to run this KML script.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2020-04-12

Wombat2   (details) 48 ENG   13 KB
HP 48SX/GX KML scripts for Pocket PC 240x320 display resolution. Based mainly on the work of Victor Chow and Pete Wilson.
By Christoph Gießelink. 2013-09-14

Wombat3   (details) 48 ENG   18 KB
HP 48SX/GX KML scripts for Pocket PC 480x640 display resolution. You need Emu48 for Pocket PC V1.02 or later and a Windows Mobile device with a VGA display.
By Christoph Gießelink and others. 2013-09-14

Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.