Julian Salvador Arnal

First Name:Julian
Last Name:Salvador Arnal
Last Change:2001-02-14
Number of Files:5 (345th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:32,165 (367th most downloaded)

Anova   (details) 48 ESP   14 KB / 11 KB
ScreenshotMakes anova (statistics) tables.
By Julian Salvador Arnal. 2001-02-14

Clave   (details) 48 ESP   4 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotProtects your HP with a password.
By Julian Salvador Arnal. 2001-02-14

Ericsson HP   (details) 48 ESP   10 KB / 7 KB
ScreenshotCompose music for your Ericsson mobile phone.
By Julian Salvador Arnal. 2001-02-14

Raya3   (details) 48 ESP   5 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotYet another tic-tac-toe implementation.
By Julian Salvador Arnal. 2001-02-14

Simon   (details) 48 ESP   5 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotSimon Says memory game.
By Julian Salvador Arnal. 2001-02-14

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Copyright 1997-2024 Eric Rechlin.