Renée De Graeve

First Name:Renée
Last Name:De Graeve
Last Change:2018-01-24
Number of Files:5 (345th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:34,683 (330th most downloaded)

Calcul formel et Mathématiques avec la HP Prime   (details) Prime FRA   1,218 KB
Comprehensive book in French explaining how to do math on the Prime, with a focus on the CAS. In PDF format.
By Renée De Graeve. 2018-01-24

Calcul formel et Mathématiques avec la HP49   (details) 49/50 ENG FRA   1,101 KB
Comprehensive book in both French and English explaining how to use the HP 49 in algebraic mode. Both PDF and TeX formats are included.
By Renée De Graeve and Ivan Cibrario Bertolotti. 2001-03-24

Compléments pour les nouvelles fonctions   (details) 49/50 FRA   152 KB
French document explaining the new CAS functions in ROM 1.19 and higher of the HP 49. Both PDF and TeX formats are included.
By Renée De Graeve. 2001-03-24

Computer Algebra and Math with the HP40G 1.0   (details) 49/50 39/40 ENG   858 KB
Comprehensive 167-page book explaining how to use the CAS of the HP 40G. Much of this also applies to the HP 49G. In both Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF format.
By Renée De Graeve and Mark Howell. 2002-01-07

Symbolic Computation and Math with the HP Prime   (details) Prime ENG   3,904 KB
Comprehensive book in English explaining how to do math on the Prime, with a focus on the CAS. In PDF format. Translated from the original French.
By Renée De Graeve and Jean-Michel Lecointre. 2018-01-24

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