Mauricio M.

First Name:Mauricio
Last Name:M.
Last Change:2001-05-28
Number of Files:2 (793rd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:17,741 (661st most downloaded)

Diseño de Zapatas por las NTC del RCDF 1.00   (details) 48 ESP   3 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotThis will help in calculating and designing superficial foundations with the formulas given in the "reglamento de construcciones del distrito federal" in the "normas tecnicas complementarias" section, to use in foundations built in Mexico City.
By Mauricio M.. 2001-05-28

Presiones en Suelos 1.00   (details) 48 ESP   2 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotGiving the description of any stratum configuration of a soil mass, like thickness, volumetric weight and water level, the program will calculate the pore, effective and total pressure, at any depth, and will plot it.
By Mauricio M.. 2001-05-28

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