Thomas Rast

First Name:Thomas
Last Name:Rast
Last Change:2007-08-04
Number of Files:15 (89th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:99,415 (85th most downloaded)

BrainFuck Compiler 1.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   8 KB / 1 KB
BrainFuck is an extremely (and deliberately) simple language with only eight commands. This library can compile BrainFuck to ML with some optimizations.
By Thomas Rast. 2003-12-26

Extable Tools 1.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   14 KB / 3 KB
Converts an extable into a human-readable string and back. This way you can modify, add or delete entries in your extable.
By Thomas Rast. 2002-04-16

FlashTools 1.02   (details) 49/50 ENG   4 KB / 3 KB
Powerful set of tools to manage port memory, mainly to organize your FLASH. Can repack flash banks, undelete objects in flash and more, all from a browser user interface. For the 49g+ and 50g only.
By Claudio Daniel Lapilli and Thomas Rast. 2007-08-04

HP 38 entries, PDF extract from the Database 2.11   (details) 38 ENG   549 KB
All HP 38 entries in the Entry database, as a PDF file.
By Carsten Dominik, Thomas Rast, and Eduardo M. Kalinowski. 2005-05-30

HP 39/40 entries, PDF extract from the Database 2.11   (details) 38 ENG   701 KB
All HP 39/40 entries in the Entry database, as a PDF file.
By Carsten Dominik, Thomas Rast, and Eduardo M. Kalinowski. 2005-05-30

HP 48 entries, PDF extract from the Database 2.11   (details) 48 ENG   831 KB
All HP 48G entries in the Entry database, as a PDF file.
By Carsten Dominik, Thomas Rast, and Eduardo M. Kalinowski. 2005-05-30

HP 48/49/38/39/40 Entry Database 2.11   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   489 KB
ASCII database with more than 7500 entry points for the HP 48, 49G, 49g+, 48gII, 38G, 39, and 40, complete with stack diagrams and descriptions. Includes a program to extract PDF and ASCII listings of selected entries. The reference sections of the book "Programming in System RPL (PDF), 2nd edition" are based on an earlier version of this database. Extracts for individual calculators are available from this site, in PDF format.
By Carsten Dominik, Thomas Rast, and Eduardo M. Kalinowski. 2005-05-30

HP 49 entries, PDF extract from the Database 2.11   (details) 49/50 ENG   1,306 KB
All HP 49G entries in the Entry database, as a PDF file.
By Carsten Dominik, Thomas Rast, and Eduardo M. Kalinowski. 2005-05-30

HP4x::Codec 1.00   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   51 KB
A Perl module that can encode and decode most HP 4x (48, 49, and probably also 38, 39, 40) object types in hexadecimal, as raw data and from/to files.
By Thomas Rast. 2004-05-09

IRC Prime 0.01   (details) 49/50 ENG   6 KB / 6 KB
IRC client for the HP 49G. Allows you to chat on any IRC channel with the appropriate server. Needs Usinagaz for the Internet connection.
By Thomas Rast and Yoann Désir. 2003-08-30

LongFloat 3.93Get It   (details) 49/50 ENG   342 KB / 36 KB
ScreenshotMultiple precision real and complex library including trig and hyperbolic functions. Interval arithmetic (precision tracking) for real functions. Algebraics with interval numbers or units may be automatically evaluated to user-defined precision. Now has basic matrix functions and 49g+/50g support.
By Gjermund Skailand and Thomas Rast. 2007-01-13

MASD: The !DBGINF directive   (details) 49/50 ENG   2 KB
A newspost about the !DBGINF directive, available in the 1.19-6 ROM. Cyrille told me about this in a mail.
By Thomas Rast. 2001-11-21

One Line Status 1.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   6 KB / 1 KB
ScreenshotReplaces the normal header line by a version with more indicators: current path, VX, real/complex, exact/approx, base, angle mode, coordinate mode, user keyboard, HALT, and entry mode indicators. It's done in ML and a few System RPL calls, so it's very fast.
By Thomas Rast. 2002-05-20

Port Browser 1.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   9 KB / 1 KB
Shows the contents of each flash bank and ERAM half separately, so that you can "defragment" the memory (by hand) if needed. It also shows you if an object has a bad CRC (resulting in the "Invalid Card Data" message) and lets you recall deleted objects from flash.
By Thomas Rast. 2003-01-10

XMenu49 1.2.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   15 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotXMenu49 is an HP 49 menu extender. It shows you a full-screen menu with a maximum of 9 rows (54 menu entries) displayed on one page, and allows you to browse nested menus. The shifted actions of e.g. the VARS menu are supported.
By Thomas Rast. 2001-10-20

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