Joel Bertrand

First Name:Joel
Last Name:Bertrand
Web Address:
Last Change:2024-08-31
Number of Files:2 (790th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:7,793 (1,249th most downloaded)

RPL/2 4.1.35   (details) Other FRA   78,312 KB
RPL/2 (Reverse Polish Lisp/2) is a language derived from the RPL made by Hewlett-Packard for its HP-28S. It has some extensions (preprocessor, compiled libraries, new functions), a TeX output, and can draw graphics.
By Joel Bertrand. 2024-08-31

RPL/2 Documentation (French)   (details) Other   985 KB
Comprehensive, 300-page PDF documentation for RPL/2.
By Joel Bertrand. 2021-04-10

Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
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