Vincent Weber

First Name:Vincent
Last Name:Weber
Last Change:2006-11-24
Number of Files:2 (793rd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:38,583 (285th most downloaded)

15C Style 49G KML Script for Emu48 1.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   9 KB
This is a 49G KML Script and BMP 'skin' with the 15C buttons style for the Pocket PC version of Emu48. Made for those who love the HP 15C but need to use the 49. The BMP 'skin' is based on the wonderful 'Ipaq 49G' by Vincent Weber, and has been reworked to look like a HP15C.
By Vicente Garcia and Vincent Weber. 2006-11-24

iPaq 49G KML 1.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   14 KB
A KML script for Emu49 and the associated BMP, dedicated for iPaq Pocket PC. It should aso work on Casio Casseopea E-1xx and E-200 although it was only tested on iPaq 3600 series. I modified the Jornada Wide Enter 49g KML by Chris Roper that could not work of the iPaq because of the top line.
By Vincent Weber. 2002-05-23

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