Ozone Sama

First Name:Ozone
Last Name:Sama
Last Change:2003-01-26
Number of Files:1 (1,225th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:7,912 (1,234th most downloaded)

Using a 3LR12 battery instead of three LR3   (details) 49/50 ENG   57 KB
Two pictures explaining how to replace the so easily low LR3 with a NICE and BIG and COOL 3LR12, using two or three little wood sticks, two or four large pins, wires, an heating-soldering iron, something able to cut (saw, knife...), a little hammer, etc., and an 3LR12 battery. You just have to solder pins to wires, use the pins on the wood sticks, cut a little hole in the removable part of the battery compartment, and then connect the wires to the battery.
By Ozone Sama. 2003-01-26

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