Wilmer H. Mora F.

First Name:Wilmer H.
Last Name:Mora F.
Last Change:2020-12-30
Number of Files:19 (65th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:94,169 (100th most downloaded)

AJUSTE 1.04   (details) 49/50 ESP   103 KB / 8 KB
ScreenshotLibrary that contains four programs for adjusting data and one program for table interpolation.
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2020-09-30

API-5L Pipe 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   82 KB / 50 KB
ScreenshotContains properties of steel pipes (API 5L).
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2015-07-26

CA0-T   (details) 49/50 ESP   73 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the specific heat (a function of temperature) for twenty-eight chemical compounds.
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2003-12-29

Canales Abiertos 1.01   (details) 49/50 ESP   192 KB / 7 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the flow in open channels.
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2020-05-03

EQDIF 1.03   (details) 49/50 ESP   73 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotLibrary for numeric calculus to solve first order differential equations.
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2005-07-24

Heisler 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   70 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotSolves Heisler diagrams analytically for transitory heat transfer.
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2003-12-29

IS Dotacion y Unidades de Gasto 1.1   (details) 49/50 ESP   155 KB / 17 KB
ScreenshotLibrary containing five programs for calculating water supply for houses and flow units for sanitary parts. Includes PDF documentation.
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2020-12-30

MEN 1.02   (details) 49/50 ESP   23 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotProgram to visualize the state of the memory (HOME and ports 0, 1 and 2) and the ROM version on the 49G version 1.19-6 and the 49g+. Also includes a version for ROM 2.00 on the 49g+.
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2005-07-24

MTH_HEISLER 1.0   (details) 48 ESP   180 KB / 27 KB
ScreenshotLibrary containing mathematical applications and heat transfer programs.
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2003-05-06

Numerico 1.02   (details) 49/50 ESP   26 KB / 7 KB
ScreenshotLibrary to solve linear and nonlinear equations of a variable through different numeric methods.
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2005-09-03

NWT 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   60 KB / 3 KB
The NWT program can solve linear and nonlinear systems of equations using the Newton method. For this it is necessary to calculate the Jacobian matrix which the program does with a symbolic method.
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2003-12-28

Pead Covenin 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   42 KB / 11 KB
ScreenshotContains the properties of polyethylene pipes (COVENIN 3833 / ISO 4427).
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2013-09-14

Placa Perforada and Orificio 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   474 KB / 12 KB
ScreenshotAllows sizing perforated plates (Sharp-Edged Perforated Plates) and orifice plates. Includes PDF documentation.
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2020-09-30

PROPIEDADES AGUA & AIRE 1.00   (details) 49/50 ESP   28 KB / 2 KB
Properties of Water and Air is a library with three applications that allow one to obtain the properties of water (density and pressure of vapor) as a function of the temperature and the atmospheric pressure (like a function of the altitude).
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2005-11-25

RCT 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   233 KB / 4 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the "necklace" or covered reinforcement for connections in steel pipes.
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2015-09-18

Runge Kutta 1.04   (details) 49/50 ESP   106 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotNumerically solves systems of ordinary differential equations of first order.
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2005-09-03

Steel Pipe 1.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   23 KB / 23 KB
ScreenshotProperties chart of standard steel pipe since 1/8" to 30".
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2006-08-28

Tuberías de PEAD 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   19 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotContains the properties of polyethylene pipes.
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2007-08-04

UTM-GEO 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   37 KB / 6 KB
ScreenshotAllows the conversion between the UTM coordinate system the and geographical coordinate system.
By Wilmer H. Mora F.. 2007-08-04

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