Rafael Façanha de Marchi

First Name:Rafael Façanha
Last Name:de Marchi
Last Change:2008-08-23
Number of Files:2 (793rd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:21,237 (545th most downloaded)

Estatística 1.0   (details) 49/50 48 POR   3 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotA set of programs (in directory format) that works with lists of values and frequencies for statistic purposes, includes Relative Frequency (Fr), Accumulated Frequency (Fa), Percentage Frequency (F%), Sturges (Classes), Arithmetic Average (MA), Geometrical Average (MG), Harmonic Average (MH), Quadratic Average (MQ and Root, RMQ), Cubic Average (MC), Bi-Quadratic Average (MB), Error Analysis (DM, DvP) and Median (Md, PMd). Does not contain any documentation.
By Rafael Façanha de Marchi. 2008-08-23

Teoria dos Erros 1.0   (details) 49/50 48 POR   1 KB / 1 KB
This is a directory full of programs for Error Theory, although it does not have any documentation.
By Rafael Façanha de Marchi. 2003-05-07

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