
First Name:
Last Name:Harold
Last Change:2018-06-17
Number of Files:9 (166th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:54,683 (192nd most downloaded)

Agenda   (details) 48 ENG   5 KB / 8 KB
Seems to be a French calendar but one part doesn't seem to work (missing XLIB).
By Harold (Smurphp). 1998-01-09

Budget   (details) 48 ENG   6 KB / 9 KB
A bank account program but seems to be buggy too!
By Harold (Smurphp). 1998-01-09

BZPlus 1.3   (details) 48 ENG   6 KB / 2 KB
Another implementation of BZ: CRUNCHER.
By Harold (Smurphp). 2018-06-17

MegaLM   (details) 48 ENG   5 KB / 5 KB
Utilities library required by many Smurphp programs.
By Harold (Smurphp). 1998-01-18

Metro   (details) 48 ENG   9 KB / 20 KB
ScreenshotA very good program to help one find their way through the Paris underground Metro network.
By Harold (Smurphp). 1998-01-09

Metro 1.0   (details) 49/50 FRA   12 KB / 17 KB
ScreenshotA very good program to help one find their way through the Paris underground Metro network.
By Harold (Smurphp) and Laurent Mas (hpsam). 2000-11-22

Monopoli 1.6   (details) 48 ENG   20 KB / 38 KB
By Harold (Smurphp). 1997-12-10

RepTel   (details) 48 FRA   5 KB / 9 KB
ScreenshotFrench telephone number manager. Requires BZPlus and MegaLM.
By Harold (Smurphp). 1998-01-18

Scrabble 2.2   (details) 48 ENG   10 KB / 12 KB
ScreenshotThe famous word/letter game. Requires BZPlus and MegaLM.
By Harold (Smurphp). 1997-11-21

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.