Pedro Barrionuevo Roese

First Name:Pedro Barrionuevo
Last Name:Roese
Last Change:2004-08-22
Number of Files:1 (1,225th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:5,910 (1,701st most downloaded)

Métodos Numéricos 1.1   (details) 48 POR   3 KB / 4 KB
User RPL program for the 48G/GX that finds equation roots by three numerical methods: Newton Raphson, False Position and Bissection. It shows the approximation, last approximation, error approximation and precision/iteration at each iteration. It also checks the roots found and calculates the number of precision numbers and number of correct digits for a pair of numbers. Might be useful for numerical calculus students.
By Pedro Barrionuevo Roese. 2004-08-22

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