James Unterburger

First Name:James
Last Name:Unterburger
Last Change:2017-07-12
Number of Files:7 (237th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:34,002 (340th most downloaded)

Garbage Collection During PUSH   (details) 48 ENG   2 KB
Explains garbage collection during PUSH.
By James Unterburger. 2008-08-16

Inf and NaN   (details) 48 ENG   4 KB
Talks about the entry points for Inf and Nan.
By James Unterburger. 2008-08-17

Integ   (details) 48 ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Performs discrete trapezoidal integration, and is essentially a "waveform integrator", where the input can be considered a waveform consisting of data points defined by the input vectors Y (dependent) and X (independent).
By James Unterburger. 1998-11-21

Kanji Mentor 1.0   (details) 48 ENG   148 KB / 208 KB
ScreenshotSeries of "flash cards" to teach Kanji. NEEDS OVER 200K USER RAM!!!
By James Unterburger. 1997-08-21

Kanji Mentor 1.2   (details) 49/50 ENG   179 KB / 256 KB
ScreenshotSeries of "flash cards" to teach Kanji. Needs 256KB port memory and 100KB user memory to run!
By James Unterburger, Georg Zotti, and James Weisbin. 2000-01-13

SPICE to Number 1.1   (details) 48 ENG   8 KB / 1 KB
This routine S->N converts a SPICE-scaled number (in string form) into a real number, following most SPICE2G.6 conventions.
By James Unterburger. 2017-07-09

TRID 1.0   (details) 48 ENG   14 KB / 1 KB
Fast assembly language program to solve AX=B for a tridiagonal system of equations.
By James Unterburger. 2017-07-12

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.