Wes Loewer

First Name:Wes
Last Name:Loewer
Last Change:2016-08-06
Number of Files:3 (561st most prolific)
Number of Downloads:6,692 (1,468th most downloaded)

IFS Prime 0.2   (details) Prime ENG   142 KB / 47 KB
ScreenshotCreates Iterated Function System (IFS) Fractals with touch zoom in/out. There are 16 built-in definitions, plus users can store custom definitions in L0 to generate their own images.
By Wes Loewer. 2013-12-22

Perimeter of an Ellipse   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 1-2 KB
Uses a converging iteration technique ported from a QBASIC program by Gérard P. Michon to calculate the perimeter of an ellipse. Also includes a version using integration that is slightly more accurate.
By Joseph K. Horn and Wes Loewer. 2016-08-06

WL-Calc 1.1   (details) 49/50 ENG   81 KB / 6 KB
A collection of small programs that are useful for Calculus: Graph Integrals, Riemann Summs, Trapezoid Rule, Simpson's Rule, Simpson's 3/8 Rule, Monte Carlo Integration, Newton's Method, Method of Bisectors, calculate arclengths, error function.
By Wes Loewer. 2006-08-28

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.