Chrstphre Campbell

First Name:Chrstphre
Last Name:Campbell
Web Address:
Last Change:2008-08-30
Number of Files:19 (65th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:109,631 (69th most downloaded)

Alarm Viewer   (details) 48 ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Lists all alarms and allows you to easily delete them.
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda). 1998-07-22

Base Number Conversion   (details) 48 ENG   5 KB / 3 KB
Directory of useful programs for working with multiple number bases.
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda) and John Gustaf Stebbins. 1999-01-10

Cabbage Shui Method   (details) 48 ENG   7 KB / 2 KB
ScreenshotUses the "Cabbage Shui" method to find pi out of a list of numbers
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda). 1998-11-18

Ellipserizer   (details) 48 ENG   6 KB / 4 KB
Approximates an ellipse with eight arcs.
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda). 1998-07-19

Evolve This!   (details) 48 ENG   4 KB / 2 KB
Attempts to simulate the process of evolution.
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda). 1999-05-19

Filled Polygons   (details) 48 ENG   6 KB
Creates filled polygons on the current PICT.
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda). 1998-07-01

Kathi   (details) 48 ENG   8 KB / 5 KB
Shows how to find primes by imagining a three dimensional space (or more if necessary) that when contained by x number of planes will equal x-1 and that number will be prime.
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda) and Kathy J.M.. 1998-11-21

Namerizer   (details) 48 ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Creates a randomized name or word from a collection of loosely choosen consonants and vowels.
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda). 1998-10-20

Object Oriented Manifesto   (details) 48 ENG   26 KB
Huge document (74 KB) explaining why the HP 48 is object oriented (and other things).
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda). 1998-06-17

PICT Segmentizer   (details) 48 ENG   6 KB / 3 KB
Does all the things that you would like ->GROB to do.
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda). 1998-07-03

SCI in Level 1   (details) 48 ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
Set of programs which, among other things, displays level 1 of the stack in scientific notation.
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda). 1998-11-14

SnowFlakerizer   (details) 48 ENG   7 KB / 4 KB
Generates snowflakes on PICT, which can either be printed, sent to your computer, or saved. Quite customizable.
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda). 1998-11-30

STO with AI   (details) 48 ENG   6 KB / 2 KB
A "smarter" version of STO with the ability to store multiple objects at once. G series version.
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda). 1998-07-03

Super Magick Shift Keys   (details) 48 ENG   10 KB / 1-3 KB
Another program for assigning user keys to the menu keys.
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda). 1998-07-01

The Cabbage Codes   (details) 48 ENG   20 KB / 2-5 KB
The Cabbage Codes are an implementation of the "God Codes," which comprise a wide variety of methods to "interpret," "translate" or "decrypt" texts, such as The Bible or other sacred writings, in such a way that secret messages are revealed.
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda). 1998-07-03

The Wanda Font   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   16 KB / 6 KB
ScreenshotTakes a text string and makes ASCII art in "The Wanda Font" from it.
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda). 2008-08-30

Tilez   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   8 KB / 3 KB
ScreenshotMakes graphics that look like Islamic tiles.
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda). 2008-08-30

UserKey Examiner   (details) 48 ENG   5 KB / 2 KB
Designed to allow you to examine all your userkey assignments, and then either keep selected assignments, delete them, add new ones, modify existing assignments or save assignments in a separate list for later examination.
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda). 1998-07-03

Using GOTO in UserRPL   (details) 48 ENG   7 KB
Explains how to use the BASIC GOTO command when converting BASIC programs to RPL. Includes a maze-generation program as an example.
By Chrstphre Campbell (TinyWanda). 1998-01-22

Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.