Bryan R. Osborne

First Name:Bryan R.
Last Name:Osborne
Last Change:2009-04-25
Number of Files:3 (561st most prolific)
Number of Downloads:11,442 (963rd most downloaded)

GPSurvey 1.1   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   22 KB / 16 KB
ScreenshotGPSurvey is a series of programs created for the 50g calculator that can be used with other HP 49 series calculators, and the 48GX. The program is written as an aid to help perform preliminary site surveys for existing and proposed pipe line and access road alignments. This program is most useful when used to determine positions, lengths and in some cases elevations (at considerable elevation changes) of civil infrastructure within a large area or along a long alignment. The accuracy of the results depends considerably on the GPS receiver used.
By Bryan R. Osborne. 2009-04-25

PPipe 2.0   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   35 KB / 5 KB
ScreenshotThis is a set of programs to calculate the friction losses in pressure pipes for Newtonian Fluids. PPipe is a set of programs created for the HP 48GX that can be used in the HP 49 series calculators, including the HP 50G. I wrote the program as an aid to help me check the results of more sophisticated pump station software and other pressurized fluid applications (mainly for Newtonian fluids, with less than 3% solids). Due to the complex nature of pump station design, the programs herein are intended as an aid to check calculations; they are not intended to be used directly for design.
By Bryan R. Osborne. 2009-02-21

Sections 2.0   (details) 49/50 48 ENG ESP   33 KB / 7 KB
ScreenshotThis program calculates the geometric properties of sections through coordinates, mainly developed for structural engineering, and can still be used to determine the area and center of any surface. SECTIONS is a program created for the 48GX that can be used in the 49 series calculators, including the 50g. Documentation in English; application in Spanish.
By Bryan R. Osborne. 2009-02-07

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