Ítalo Alberto Gatica Ríspoli

First Name:Ítalo Alberto
Last Name:Gatica Ríspoli
Last Change:2012-09-15
Number of Files:2 (793rd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:3,545 (2,080th most downloaded)

Fundações Rasas 1.0   (details) 49/50 POR   1,877 KB / 91 KB
ScreenshotDesign of shallow foundations in reinforced concrete. For the 50g only.
By David Antonio Novaes, Ítalo Alberto Gatica Ríspoli, and Artur Lenz Sartorti. 2012-09-15

HP50 IRRADSOLAR V01   (details) 49/50 POR   1,901 KB / 18 KB
ScreenshotThis library evaluates the solar irradiation on a bent plane, looking for a bettering of both the dimensioning and analysis of the solar water heating systems.
By Ítalo Alberto Gatica Ríspoli. 2009-07-12

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