Omar A. Castillo Trujillo

First Name:Omar A.
Last Name:Castillo Trujillo
Last Change:2010-12-15
Number of Files:8 (204th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:20,853 (556th most downloaded)

Analisis estructural I-Pendiente Desviacion 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   165 KB / 18 KB
ScreenshotProgram that calculates beams and porches by the method of "Pendiente Desviacion".
By Omar A. Castillo Trujillo. 2010-12-15

Hanzen 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   39 KB / 18 KB
ScreenshotProgram that calculates the three offsets of the four-point problem (or Hanzen) showing all the steps and the results.
By Omar A. Castillo Trujillo. 2010-09-12

Hidraulica II (Canales) 2.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   86 KB / 45 KB
ScreenshotProgram for the calculation of channels. Calculates the normal depth, critical depth, section of maximum efficiency, hydraulic jump, and backwater curves. Shows all steps (i.e. formulas) and results in both SI and English units.
By Omar A. Castillo Trujillo. 2010-07-31

Maquinaria y Equipo 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   85 KB / 32 KB
ScreenshotCalculates the theoretical and real performance of the most commonly used equipment and also knows the resistance of the road and the compound unit cost. For the 49g+ and 50g.
By Omar A. Castillo Trujillo. 2010-08-22

Obras de Toma (Obras Hidraulicas I) 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   1,725 KB / 81 KB
ScreenshotHelps with designing hydraulic dams, including discharge rate, and more.
By Omar A. Castillo Trujillo. 2010-07-31

Poligonal 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   409 KB / 18 KB
Does all the calculations of a closed polygon, from correction of internal angles to graphing the polygon.
By Omar A. Castillo Trujillo. 2010-06-06

Pothenot 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   32 KB / 11 KB
ScreenshotProgram that calculates the elements and the coordinates of the Pothenot quadrilateral showing you all the steps and the results.
By Omar A. Castillo Trujillo. 2010-09-12

Suelos 1 Laboratorio 1.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   15 KB / 34 KB
ScreenshotContains all the themes related to soil mechanics like granulometric analysis, compaction, Atterberg limits, classification, and other utilities. For the 49g+ and 50g.
By Omar A. Castillo Trujillo. 2010-08-22

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