Jean-Marc Baillard

First Name:Jean-Marc
Last Name:Baillard
Web Address:
Last Change:2021-11-24
Number of Files:17 (76th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:8,511 (1,171st most downloaded)

ANION 2.0   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   46 KB / 16 KB
A set of programs to compute functions of hypercomplex numbers - also called "anions" - i-e complexes, quaternions, octonions, sedenions, 32-ons, 64-ons ... and so on. Elementary functions, circular functions, hyperbolic functions... but also several special functions: Gamma, digamma, Zeta functions, generalized hypergeometric functions + Bessel functions, Legendre functions, Spheroidal wave functions and many others. Now adds polynomial evamuation, harmonic numbers, polygamma functions, generalized error functions, incomplete beta and incomplete gamma functions, and Whittaker's functions.
By Jean-Marc Baillard. 2015-07-26

ASTRO2012 3.0   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   105 KB / 57-112 KB
ScreenshotPosition of the Sun, Moon, 9 major planets+xena. Theories VSOP87B + TOP2010A + corrections from DE422. Date of Easter. Positions of the main satellites of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus. Comets: Parabolic-Hyperbolic-Elliptic motion. Precession formulae valid +/-200,000 years from J2000. Phases of the Moon.
By Jean-Marc Baillard. 2018-02-27

ASTRO2300 1.0   (details) 48 ENG   40 KB / 55 KB
These programs are improved versions of similar programs in ASTRO2012. The position of the Sun, the Moon and the major planets are calculated with a precision of 1 arcsecond over the interval [1700,2300] (and probably more years); for Pluto, only between 1900 and 2100.
By Jean-Marc Baillard. 2021-04-10

BIONS   (details) 48 ENG   51 KB / 21 KB
A set of programs to compute functions of "bions" (omplexified anions), i.e. bicomplexes, biquaternions, bioctonions, bisedenions, and so on. Has elementary functions, circular functions, hyperbolic functions, but also several special functions: Gamma, digamma, Zeta functions, generalized hypergeometric functions and Bessel functions, Legendre functions, Spheroidal wave functions, fractional-integro differentiation, and many others. Written for the 48S/SX/G/GX but the source code should also work with the 49/50.
By Jean-Marc Baillard. 2015-07-26

COSMO 1.0   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   11 KB / 6 KB
Contains several programs to compute the age (and period) of the universes and the distances of a galaxy knowing its redshift. Empty universes, Tolman universes, cyclic universes and our universe(?). They employ Carlson elliptic integrals and numerical integration.
By Jean-Marc Baillard. 2021-09-12

Differential Equations & Gravitational n-body Prob 1.0   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   17 KB / 10-12 KB
Differential Equations - Explicit Runge-Kutta methods of order 4, 8 & 10 and Implicit Runge-Kutta methods of order 12 & 13. Gravitational n-body problem solved by RK4, RK8, RK10 and the built-in RKF (except 48S/SX).
By Jean-Marc Baillard. 2012-09-15

DIFFGEOM48 1.0   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   43 KB / 28 KB
Comprehensive package with routines to calculate curl, divergence, gradient, Laplacian (rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates), Hessian matrix, biharmonic and triharmonic operators, curvature and torsion of a curve, curvature(s) of a surface and a hypersurface, and Riemannian geometry, for metric tensor, Christoffel symbols, curvature tensor, Ricci tensor, Einstein and Weyl tensors and a few tensors in non-Riemannian manifolds. Also works with complex manifolds. Includes detailed documentation in HTML format explaining all commands.
By Jean-Marc Baillard. 2017-02-10

Geodesy 2.0   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   34 KB / 13 KB
Set of programs which calculate the geodesic distance between two points on the Earth from their geographic longitudes and latitudes, and also return the forward and backward azimuths. Now calculates geodesic on a triaxial ellipsoid (Jacobi's method and approximate method) and gravity on a triaxial ellipsoid.
By Jean-Marc Baillard. 2015-07-26

GEOM 1.0   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   14 KB / 5 KB
Calculates cross product 7D-vectors and tensor UxV, distances between lines, point and line, point and hyperplane, point and hyperellipsoid, bisecting hyperplanes, hypersurface of hyperellipsoids, equation of hyperplanes, hyperspheres, Heron and Brahmagupta formulae, tetrahedron volume, quadratic hypersurface.
By Jean-Marc Baillard. 2021-11-24

JPLEPH 1.0   (details) 48 ENG   97 KB / 12 KB
Several programs to use the JPL Ephemerides DE421-DE422-DE423-DE424 and DE406-DE408. They calculate the barycentric, heliocentric and geocentric coordinates of the Sun and the major planets (directly geocentric for the Moon). They also compute the nutation & libration, except DE406 & DE408.
By Jean-Marc Baillard. 2012-09-15

Matrix 1.0   (details) 48 ENG   27 KB / 11 KB
Matrix programs to calculate magic and panmagic and bimagic squares, magic and panmagic cubes, magic "multiplication", knight's tour, Hartley transform (dim. 1-2-3), eigenvalues and eigenvectors (Jacobi method), matrix triangularization (Householder method), over- and underdetermined systems, linear programming (simplex method), random matrix, rank, pseudo-inverse (Greville method), Power of a matrix, square root, nth-root, exponential and logarithm of a matrix.
By Jean-Marc Baillard. 2021-01-17

Min-Max Polynomials 1.0   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   5 KB / 1-2 KB
Given a set of N data points (x1,y1) .... (xN,yN), MMP calculates the min-max polynomial of degree d by the "exchange method".
By Jean-Marc Baillard. 2018-04-03

NOAA 1.0   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   19 KB / 16 KB
WL37 calculates the water-level. TIDE computes low and high tides. Draw performs the graphic of water-levels during 1 day. XDO->V transforms the extended Doodson number into the corresponding phase.
By Jean-Marc Baillard. 2021-09-12

Orbit Determination 1.0   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   41 KB / 16 KB
Determines orbits using the method of Gauss-Herrick-Gibbs for 3 observations and Herget's method for more than 3 observations. Has different utilities to calculate the position of a comet or asteroid. Supports dates in Gregorian or Julian calendar. Accurate position of the Sun.
By Jean-Marc Baillard. 2015-07-26

OUTP   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   6 KB / 4 KB
Computes the heliocentric ecliptic coordinates of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (outer planets) between 2020/12/31 0h TT and 2022/01/19 0h TT. The longitudes L & latitudes B are referred to the mean ecliptic of the date. The precision is better than 10^(-6) degree for L & B and better than 2x10^(-8) AU for the distance R between the Sun & the planet. They are computed by polynomials fitted to JPL DE431.
By Jean-Marc Baillard. 2021-01-17

Special Functions   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   69 KB / 31 KB
Many special functions: Gamma, digamma, polygamma, Zeta, Kummer, Hypergeometric, Appell, Kampé de Fériet, Lauricella, Srivastava, associated Legendre, Bessel, orthogonal polynomials, Elliptic functions: Weierstrass, Jacobian, Carlson elliptic integrals; Airy, Anger & Weber, Dawson, Exponential integrals & related functions, Catalan, Fresnel, Debye, parabolic cylinder, error function, Fibonacci, Struve, Lommel, incomplete beta & gamma, Lerch, Coulomb wave, Whittaker, Toronto, spheroidal wave, ellipsoidal wave + fractional-integro-differentiation + non-linear systems + continued fractions. Includes comprehensive HTML documentation.
By Jean-Marc Baillard. 2020-12-30

TGDST 1.0   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   8 KB / 2 KB
Computes the terrestrial geodesic distance between 2 points on the Earth, with a triaxial ellipsoid model. There are already several programs in "Geodesy" zip file for a triaxial ellipsoid, but this program is much faster: a few seconds instead of more than 2 minutes! Compatible with all 48/49/50 models.
By Jean-Marc Baillard. 2021-04-10

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