Stephen Edwards

First Name:Stephen
Last Name:Edwards
Web Address:
Last Change:2015-07-26
Number of Files:9 (166th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:6,502 (1,513th most downloaded)

Accuracy Calculator (ACCU) 1.44   (details) 49/50 ENG   2,432 KB / 33 KB
ScreenshotAccuracy Calculator (ACCU) aids in the design and analysis of data converter application circuits. It calculates the DC accuracy of an ideal data converter. It calculates Resolution in bits and steps, INL, and Accuracy in percent, PPM, decibels, µV, and nA.
By Stephen Edwards. 2015-07-26

Bandgap Reference Calculator (BGRC) 1.14   (details) 49/50 ENG   1,385 KB / 66 KB
ScreenshotBandgap Reference Calculator (BGRC) aids in the design and analysis of a Brokaw bandgap reference circuit. It calculates all circuit parameters and the output voltage as a function of junction temperature.
By Stephen Edwards. 2015-07-26

Calculator Launcher (CALC) 1.24   (details) 49/50 ENG   235 KB / 51 KB
ScreenshotCalculator Launcher (CALC) simplifies managing and launching multiple calculators written by Stephen Edwards.
By Stephen Edwards. 2015-07-26

Die Size Calculator (DSC) 1.14   (details) 49/50 ENG   1,385 KB / 31 KB
ScreenshotDie Size Calculator (DSC) aids in estimating the die size, number of available bonding pads, and available circuit area of an integrated circuit. It calculates total die area, die length, die width, active circuit area, number of bonding pads, bonding pad pitch, saw kerf, and die aspect ratio.
By Stephen Edwards. 2015-07-26

Effective Number of Bits Calculator (ENOB) 1.43   (details) 49/50 ENG   1,162 KB / 63 KB
ScreenshotEffective Number of Bits Calculator (ENOB) aids in the design and analysis of data converter application circuits. It calculates ENOB, SINAD, resolution, signal bandwidth, oversample rates, DNL, clock jitter, analog noise, and THD.
By Stephen Edwards. 2015-07-26

Package Thermal Analysis (PTA) 1.02   (details) 49/50 ENG   2,164 KB / 45 KB
ScreenshotPackage Thermal Analysis (PTA) aids in the analysis of the thermal properties of integrated circuit packages. These include thermal resistance, power dissipation, and die, package, and ambient temperatures.
By Stephen Edwards. 2015-07-26

Statistical Process Control Calculator (SPCC) 1.33   (details) 49/50 ENG   1,108 KB / 51 KB
ScreenshotStatistical Process Control Calculator (SPCC) aids in the prediction and analysis of process yield. It calculates defects per million, yield, process shift, standard deviation, mean, and the lower and upper specification limits.
By Stephen Edwards. 2015-07-26

STC 1.02   (details) 49/50 ENG   1,136 KB / 52 KB
ScreenshotSettling Time Calculator (STC) aids in the analysis and design of the step response of a single pole RC filter. It calculates resistance, capacitance, settling time, accuracy (in µV, %, PPM, LSB, and τ), step input voltage, resolution, time constant, bandwidth, and rise time.
By Stephen Edwards. 2015-07-26

Thermal Noise Calculator (TNC) 1.53   (details) 49/50 ENG   1,494 KB / 27 KB
ScreenshotThermal Noise Calculator (TNC) aids in the analysis of thermal noise found in resistors and other noise sources. It calculates noise voltage (µVpp and µVrms), noise density, Johnson resistance, temperature, upper and lower frequency limits, and corner frequency.
By Stephen Edwards. 2015-07-26

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