Jesus de Luis

First Name:Jesus
Last Name:de Luis
Last Change:2013-09-14
Number of Files:1 (1,225th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:541 (2,426th most downloaded)

Little Set of Radiofrequency Functions 1.0   (details) 49/50 ENG   13 KB / 1-8 KB
A little set of radio frequency functions: ABCD2SY (Convert from ABCD parameters to S and Y matrix), DELTAK (Find the delta and k factors from the scattering matrix), GammaIn (Find GammaIn from the S matrix and GammaL), GammaOut (Find GammaOut from the S matrix and GammaS), GGAGT (Find the gain factor G, Ga and Gt from S matrix, GammaS and GammaL), GSGOGL (Find the gain factor G, Ga and Gt from S matrix, GammaS and GammaL), LNA (Find the parameter N and the center and radius of the noise circle, from S-Matriz, F, Fmin Rn, Zo and GammaOPT), MaxGain (Find GtMAX, GtuMax, GammaS and GammaL for maximun gain from S-Matrix), S2ABCDY (Convert from S parameters to ABCD and Y matrix), SpecificGain (find gS, gL ,the center and the raidus at the input and output and the gain GtuMAX from the S-Matrix and specific gains Gs and Gl), StabilityCircles (Find the center and raidus for the input and output stability circles from the s matrix), U (Find the U factor form the S_Matrix), and Y2ABCDS (Convert from Y parameters to ABCD and Y matrix).
By Jesus de Luis. 2013-09-14

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