Piero Urrutia Rosazza

First Name:Piero Urrutia
Last Name:Rosazza
Last Change:2020-07-05
Number of Files:2 (793rd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:1,622 (2,244th most downloaded)

Pniwa 5.0   (details) 49/50 ESP   8 KB / 12 KB
ScreenshotProgram for the first part of a course on Fluid Dynamics 2 to solve problems with 3 reservoirs, 3 pump reservoirs, 2 pump reservoirs, N tubes in series, cross circuits, and more.
By Piero Urrutia Rosazza. 2016-08-02

Psychrometer   (details) Prime ESP   8 KB / 33 KB
ScreenshotMechanical engineering program. Works with thermodynamic properties of air and interpolation and some other things.
By Piero Urrutia Rosazza. 2020-07-05

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