Paul Onions

First Name:Paul
Last Name:Onions
Web Address:
Last Change:2021-09-12
Number of Files:6 (282nd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:3,902 (2,062nd most downloaded)

Hoppi 2.1   (details) 49/50 ENG   1,236 KB
An application for Apple macOS to allow communication with HP 48/49/50-series calculators using the Kermit file transfer protocol, supporting both USB and RS-232 calculator ports. The application implements a Kermit server and presents a simple interface to the user allowing the state of the connection to be controlled and monitored.
By Paul Onions. 2020-12-29

Hoppi Source Code 2.1   (details) 49/50 ENG   2,679 KB
Source code for an application for Apple macOS to allow communication with HP 48/49/50-series calculators using the Kermit file transfer protocol.
By Paul Onions. 2020-12-29

HP Tools Source Code 3.0.8 Patch (Mac)   (details) 49/50 48 39/40 38 28 ENG   10 KB
Patches the source code for HP Tools Source Code 3.0.8 so that it builds on a 64-bit Macintosh for modern versions of macOS.
By Paul Onions. 2017-04-15

RC48-512 RAM Card   (details) 48 ENG   417 KB
A design for a 512 KB RAM card for the 48GX, including a schematic and photos and all layout files.
By Paul Onions. 2017-06-11

RPL-Tools   (details) 49/50 48 39/40 38 ENG   420 KB
Useful Emacs tools for working with RPL source code. For System RPL, implements syntax highlighting and documentation lookup, using data extracted from Carsten Dominik's entries.db system RPL entries database.
By Paul Onions. 2017-04-15

SADHP Updated 1.05+   (details) 48 ENG   313 KB
Enhanced version of SAD 1.05 for modern computers, which lets you disassemble Saturn Machine Language (ML) and RPL code, edit it, and maintain databases of symbols, comments, formats and macros.
By Mika Heiskanen, Jan Brittenson, and Paul Onions. 2021-09-12

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.