Chris Olley

First Name:Chris
Last Name:Olley
Web Address:
Last Change:2017-05-02
Number of Files:2 (793rd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:6,212 (1,594th most downloaded)

Exploring IB Maths   (details) Prime ENG   1,156 KB
A 42-page PDF to help a student studying for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Maths with an HP Prime, introducing mathematical operations, the CAS, apps, plotting linear and quadratic functions, using matrices, sequences, and series, introducing statistics including two variable data and confidence intervals, doing calculus including differentiation and integration, and more.
By Chris Olley. 2017-05-02

Exploring Maths at Advanced Level   (details) Prime ENG   1,470 KB
Aimed at users of the Prime and 39gII graphing calculators, who are studying for an advanced level exam in mathematics (English A Levels, Scottish Highers, French and International Baccalaureate, German Abitur, Netherlands HAVO and VWO 3/4 level and equivalent in other countries). The aim is to provide a range of activities which will help you become a confident user of the calculator while developing your skills in different mathematical topics.
By Chris Olley. 2017-04-30

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