Michael C. Grant

First Name:Michael C.
Last Name:Grant
Last Change:2017-07-31
Number of Files:2 (793rd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:576 (2,418th most downloaded)

DFT Programs   (details) 28 ENG   4 KB / 1 KB
A convenient set of DFT programs which operate on column vectors.
By Michael C. Grant. 2017-07-31

State-Space System Manipulation   (details) 28 ENG   5 KB / 2 KB
A set of programs which accomplish a lot in the way of state-space system manipulation, as well as a few programs which could be separated from this list to handle polynomials and the like. The functions that they perform include transfer function calculation (which means calculation of det(sI-A) and adj(sI-A)), state feedback gain calculations, observability matrix and controllability matrix determination, manual root finding, and so forth.
By Michael C. Grant. 2017-07-05

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