Thomas Klemm

First Name:Thomas
Last Name:Klemm
Last Change:2022-07-31
Number of Files:4 (443rd most prolific)
Number of Downloads:1,157 (2,308th most downloaded)

GCD   (details) 48 ENG   2 KB / 1 KB
A small program for calculating the greatest common denominator.
By Thomas Klemm. 2018-09-09

Miller-Rabin Primality Test   (details) 49/50 48 ENG   3 KB / 1 KB
Determines whether a number is prime using the Miller-Rabin primality test.
By Thomas Klemm. 2018-07-22

Romdump (Nut)   (details) Other ENG   6 KB
Based on the source of Nonpareil, this is a romdump program that reads a ROM and writes the corresponding assembler code. It currently works only for the nut-processor familly.
By Thomas Klemm. 2022-07-31

Shoelace Algorithm   (details) 49/50 ENG   5 KB / 1 KB
A program that uses the shoelace method for calculating the area of a polygon (3 different versions, including one that runs on both the 48 and 49) and another version that also calculates the area and centroid (barycenter) of a polygon (for the 49 only). Also calculates the perimeter of a polygon.
By John Keith and Thomas Klemm and others. 2019-08-29

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