Herwig Taveirne

First Name:Herwig
Last Name:Taveirne
Last Change:2019-04-02
Number of Files:1 (1,225th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:3,872 (2,065th most downloaded)

Control Systems 3.0   (details) Prime ENG   954 KB / 309 KB
ScreenshotUsed to study the frequency domain response of control systems consisting of a process and a controller. Open loop response with and without controller and resulting closed loop response (unity feedback loop) can be determined / compared. The app takes as input the transfer function of a process as well as the settings of a (PID) controller. It includes a ‘Bode plot’ which combines magnitude and phase plots on the same screen, indicating real frequency (log scale) and magnitude (log or dB scale) values, and not the logarithm of these values, although logarithmic scales are used. This Bode plot does not rely on the built in HP Prime plot mechanism but is programmed from scratch, including mouse movement and key press detection and custom soft key menus to accomplish functionality that would not be possible otherwise. The app also draws Nyquist and Nichols plots. Includes PDF documentation.
By Herwig Taveirne (hata). 2019-04-02

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