Bernhard Emese

First Name:Bernhard
Last Name:Emese
Web Address:
Last Change:2023-09-28
Number of Files:19 (65th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:3,029 (2,109th most downloaded)

HP-01 Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   165 KB
Emulates the prototype of the stainless steel HP-01 wristwatch, using the code found in the patent. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

HP-19C Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   999 KB
Microcode emulator for the famous HP-19C ever made. It is programmable similar to the HP-29C, but includes printing. Includes everything and handles printing in MAN/TRACE/NORM mode as the original calculator does. It is the first and only HP-19C microcode emulator ever running on a PC. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

HP-21 Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   183 KB
Emulator of the HP-21, a pure scientific RPN calculator. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

HP-22 Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   190 KB
Emulator of the HP-22, a business RPN calculator. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

HP-25 Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   652 KB
Emulator of the HP-25, a scientific programmable RPN calculator with 49 steps and 8 registers. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

HP-27 Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   192 KB
Emulator of the HP-27, a scientific and financial RPN calculator. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

HP-29C Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   451 KB
Emulator of the HP-29C, the top-of-the-line Woodstock model, a scientific programmable RPN calculator with double the program space of the HP-25. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

HP-31E Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   53 KB
Emulator of the HP-31E, the basic scientific RPN calculator in the Spice series. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

HP-32E Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   52 KB
Emulator of the HP-32E, the advanced scientific RPN calculator in the Spice series. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

HP-33E Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   49 KB
Emulator of the HP-33E, the programmable scientific RPN calculator in the Spice series. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

HP-34C Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   2,095 KB
Emulator of the HP-34C, the flagship programmable scientific RPN calculator in the Spice series. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

HP-35 Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   52 KB
Emulator of the HP-35, HP's first pocket calculator. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

HP-37E/HP-38E Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   90 KB
Emulator of the HP-37E and 38E, the non-programmable and programmable, respectively, financial RPN calculator in the Spice series. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

HP-45 Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   52 KB
Emulator of the HP-45, HP's second pocket calculator, adding more functions and registers. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

HP-55 Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   48 KB
Emulator of the HP-55, HP's second programmable calculator. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

HP-65 Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   1,118 KB
Emulator of the HP-65, the first programmable calculator with a magnetic card reader, with 100 program steps and 9 data registers. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

HP-67 Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   744 KB
Emulator of the HP-67, HP's legendary programmable calculator. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

HP-70 Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   524 KB
Emulator of the HP-70, HP's first low-cost business calculator. This was the first microcode emulator ever produced for the HP-70. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

HP-80 Emulator for Windows   (details) Other ENG   46 KB
Emulator of the HP-80, HP's first business calculator, with support for advanced financial calculations. For Windows.
By Bernhard Emese. 2023-09-28

Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.