
First Name:
Last Name:Insoft
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Last Change:2024-06-08
Number of Files:7 (237th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:2,121 (2,175th most downloaded)

HSV   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 2 KB
Translates HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space to RGB.
By Insoft. 2024-06-08

P+ for Linux 1.3.1   (details) Prime ENG   1,650 KB
Allows you to write code in P+, which is a proprietary programming language designed to mitigate the challenges associated with code maintenance and comprehensibility in the HP Programming Language (PPL), and then translates it to PPL for running on the calculator. For 64-bit Linux.
By Insoft. 2023-09-28

P+ for macOS 1.6.2   (details) Prime ENG   348 KB
Allows you to write code in P+, which is a proprietary programming language designed to mitigate the challenges associated with code maintenance and comprehensibility in the HP Programming Language (PPL), and then translates it to PPL for running on the calculator.
By Insoft. 2024-06-02

P+ for Raspberry Pi 1.3.1   (details) Prime ENG   4,205 KB
Allows you to write code in P+, which is a proprietary programming language designed to mitigate the challenges associated with code maintenance and comprehensibility in the HP Programming Language (PPL), and then translates it to PPL for running on the calculator. For Raspberry Pi.
By Insoft. 2023-09-28

P+ for Windows (x64) 1.7   (details) Prime ENG   7,878 KB
Allows you to write code in P+, which is a proprietary programming language designed to mitigate the challenges associated with code maintenance and comprehensibility in the HP Programming Language (PPL), and then translates it to PPL for running on the calculator. For 64-bit Windows.
By Insoft. 2024-06-02

P+ for Windows (x86) 1.7   (details) Prime ENG   7,519 KB
Allows you to write code in P+, which is a proprietary programming language designed to mitigate the challenges associated with code maintenance and comprehensibility in the HP Programming Language (PPL), and then translates it to PPL for running on the calculator. For 32-bit Windows.
By Insoft. 2024-06-02

P+ Library 1.3.1   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB
Allows you to write code in P+, which is a proprietary programming language designed to mitigate the challenges associated with code maintenance and comprehensibility in the HP Programming Language (PPL), and then translates it to PPL for running on the calculator. Library header files.
By Insoft. 2023-09-28

Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.