Mario Blasone

First Name:Mario
Last Name:Blasone
Last Change:2024-12-29
Number of Files:1 (1,225th most prolific)
Number of Downloads:34 (2,671st most downloaded)

Fibo 1.0 (Nov-2024)   (details) Prime ENG   3 KB / 5 KB
Short CAS program for Prime defining a function, called "fibo(n)", to compute the Fibonacci numbers F(n), for n spanning also to negative integer input. When used from CAS environment it provides exact integer results of F(n) also for large values of n. For example fibo(10000) gives a long integer having 2090 digits! In Home environment it gives exact integer output up to nY (12 digits) and floating point output for 60<=n<#94 (then it overflows). It uses an iterative loop, less elegant than recursive definition, but still quite efficient.
By Mario Blasone. 2024-12-29

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